Bid Name: 783148-RFP-2024-EWSI-AB-Gold Bar Waste Water Treatment Plant Flood Mitigation and Protection Engineering Services. Bid Status: Closed. Bid Closing Date: Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:00:59 PM (MDT) Question Deadline: Mon Apr 8, 2024 2:00:00 PM (MDT) Duration in months:
The Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) located on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton, Alberta successfully maintained the ISO 14001:2015
Gold Bar Fence Line Monitoring Data – September 2023 1 The below chart shows the average monthly H 2 S readings taken from 8 locations around the Gold Bar fence line. The readings that we take at these stations are spot readings – instantaneous captures
of plant director in July. I have been with EPCOR for over 23 years. I started my career in Water Treatment before moving to leadership roles in Water Distribution & Transmission, and Drainage Operations. In my new role at the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment
2009 Overview Transition 2009 was a year of transition for the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). As of April 1, 2009 the Gold Bar WWTP was transferred from the City of Edmonton to EPCOR Water Services Inc. (EPCOR). EPCOR became the
Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant? Located in the North Saskatchewan River Valley, the GBWWTP has been serving the Edmonton community since 1956. The plant treats more than 100 billion litres of wastewater annually – enough to fill an Olympic-size
Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant 10977 – 50 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6A 2E9 Canada March 06, 2015 Environment and Sustainable Resource Development #111 Twin Atria Building 4999-98 Avenue Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 Dear Ms. Wang
We don't expect this trend to change following completion of the SESS trunk line if it connects to the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant facility in 2038. Currently Gold Bar WWTP already treats wastewater from south Edmonton today – the same wastewater that will be carried by the SESS system.
A total of 98,884 million litres (ML) of wastewater was conveyed to the plant. Secondary treatment and UV disinfection was provided to 92,153 ML (93.2%) of the total influent raw flow with 3,514 ML (3.5%) of reclaimed water provided to industrial customers.
3. Wastewater treatment is also planned on a regional basis, with an Exchange Agreement setting out the terms for the treatment of wastewater at the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant (“Gold Bar WWTP”) and the Alberta Capital Region Wastewater
S readings taken from 8 locations around the Gold Bar fence line. The readings that we take at these stations are spot readings – instantaneous captures of air samples. The air conditions captured in these samples may only exist for a moment in time. Note: H 2
Learn about the value of water with a 30-45 minute walking tour at one of our two water treatment plants in Edmonton: Rossdale or E.L. Smith. By touring our site-specific infrastructure and processes, you'll learn about the journey water takes before it gets to your home. For more information, email us at [email protected]. Request a tour.
Spring snow melt and start of rainy weather tends to “flush” the collection system, which can lead to short term odours. Inspections and maintenance activities planned throughout the year. Tanks will be thinned, drained, and thoroughly washed. $6 million planned over the next three years to reduce odours at front end of the plant.
The capital plans presented in the PBR applications will invest $1.35 billion in Edmonton’s water cycle utilities. EPCOR will invest $754.3 million in Drainage from 2022-2024, $171.7 in Wastewater from 2022-2024, and $429.3 million in the Water utility from 2022-2026. Additional investments in utility infrastructure are made by others, mainly
Previous odour mitigation projects has been completed to date at the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and have significantly helped reduce odour emissions. Some projects include: Sealed enhanced
Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plant Rossdale Water Treatment Plant Water Distribution System Number of hydrants: 21,708 Kms of mains pipes: 4,229 Type of pipes: PVC, Asbestos Cement
Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant is one of the most innovative wastewater treatment operations in North America. Its tradition of wastewater treatment excellence
EPCOR is a utility provider to more than 2 million customers in Canada and the U.S. providing power, water, drainage, and natural gas services. We have been providing master planning and design services to the EPCOR Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant in Edmonton for the last two years for a variety of their operation, maintenance,
Gold Bar Community Newsletter NOVEMBER 2022 Craig Bonneville Director, Edmonton Wastewater Treatment Plant A NOTE FROM CRAIG I hope you’ve enjoyed your summer and are looking forward to all the exciting winter activities that the River Valley has to
The Gold Bar WWTP is able to safely handle incoming wastewater flows without expanding beyond the current footprint and fenceline through to 2060 and beyond. We'll
GOLD BAR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT COMMUNITY UPDATE FEBRUARY 2021 A NOTE FROM CRAIG At this time of year we would like to take a moment to not only say Happy New Year but to also reflect on the past 12 months-what well and
EPCOR / Products & Services / Infrastructure / Projects in Your Area / Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant / New Development Projects / Square 1 Biogas System We are upgrading the Square 1 Biogas system, which includes safety systems and equipment
Figures 4.0- 1 and 4.0-2 below show details for the covers and ductwork. EPCOR Water Services 2025-2027 Wastewater PBR Application May 31, 2024 Appendix F-1 4 GOLD BAR WASTEWATER TREATEMENT PLANT ODOUR CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. Figure 4.0-1 Primary Clarifiers 5-8 Proposed Covers Figure 4.0-2 Primary
See what EPCOR Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant is doing for your community! View video. See More EPCOR and Biosolids Working together, EPCOR and the City of Edmonton are ensuring that more than 25,000 dry tonnes of biosolids produced each
At EPCOR’s Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant, this treatment stage is called Biological Nutrient Removal. Stop 5: What happens to solids in wastewater? Millions of litres of wastewater are processed at the Gold Bar facility every day. Almost 8,000 lbs of
Our Edmonton wastewater treatment plant is one of the most innovative wastewater treatment operations in North America. Every year the Gold Bar Wastewater
Gold Bar Wastewater JUNE 2022Treatment Plant Summer is quickly approaching and as you are outside enjoying our Edmonton summer and beautiful river valley, you may see construction activities happening at the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant. We
The plant is designed for 156 ML/d of full treatment and 197ML/d for a short duration versus the maximum of about 100 ML/d that existed prior to upgrades. Features a wet weather flow storage system allowing us to store large extreme storm flows up to 450 ML/d and return the flow to the beginning of the process for treatment when the storm subsides.
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.