· Engineering, Environmental Science. 2011. TLDR. This work deals with whole-body vibration in a South African opencast mine and the EU legislation specifies daily vibration exposure levels in terms of weighted root mean square acceleration and vibration dose value over an 8 hour period as shown in Table I. Expand.
6 Vibration Monitoring for the Mining Industry For low frequency applications (12 CPM to 30 CPM [0.2 Hz to 0.5 Hz]) like gearboxes, often used in fans and conveyors, 500 mV/g sensors should be used. AC133 AC134 TXFA331 Low Frequency Accelerometer, Top
· Operators of mining vehicles are exposed to high levels of whole-body vibration (WBV) and are therefore at risk of developing vibration-related health disorders. For implementing an effective control strategy, it is imperative to locate the source(s) of vibration, and the specific changes that might occur to the vibration signals during its
Assessment of vibration exposure in the mining industry
Vibration in mining related workplaces is created by the operation of tools, plant and machinery. Much of the plant used on site, such as rock breakers, create vibrations in
· The machinery used in mining operations generates various types of vibrations that can adversely affect workers. To reduce the potential risk of workers suffering from job-related vibration disorders, it is essential to develop a standardized system of measurements and analysis for evaluating vibrations in the work environment
19. Vibrations and waves – Conceptual Physics
Vibrations and waves – Conceptual Physics. 19. Vibrations and waves. Summary. Many aspects of our lives are dictated by waves. Light waves are used to transmit Wi-Fi and cellular signals, sound waves are used to communicate with others, and even the motion of a pendulum that keeps time in a grandfather clock has wave properties.
· Innovation plays a critical role in the mining industry as a tool to improve the efficiency of its processes, to reduce costs, but also to meet the increasing social and environmental concerns among communities and authorities. Technological progress has also been crucial to allow the exploitation of new deposits in more complex scenarios:
· This is similar to the vibration magnitudes reported in other mining environments; for example, Aye and Heyns (2011) L reported that approximately 50% of the heavy equipment used in mining causes
· Mining Publication: Preventing Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration. Negative health effects of exposure to whole-body vibration are prevalent in the industrial world today, particularly in mining where heavy earth-moving equipment and off-road vehicles are necessities. Heavy machinery produces whole-body vibration and
· Mandal, Pal, and Sishodiya (2013) observed that the daily vibration exposure times (2-7.5 hours) and vibration levels of 157 items of mining equipment in ten open pit mines varied between 0.21 and 1.82 m/s 2. High levels of vibration exposure may result from the operation of such machines on uneven floors.
Human vibration levels in the South African mining industry
The reported value represents the largest value measured in each of the three orthogonal axes. †The number of specimens on which measurements were taken. Table III. Vibration levels of common equipment in the South African mining industry with vibration levels lower than 1,0 m/s2.
:Vibration ExposureVibrations · This systematic review aims to identify mining equipment contributing to the occupational whole-body vibration and under what conditions. This major question
Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Exposures on Physiological Stresses: Mining Heavy Equipment Applications
2.2. Whole body vibration simulation Two different vibration profiles collected from mining vehicles (multi-axial vibration) and semi-trucks (vertical dominant vibration) during their regular operation were played onto a 6-degree-of-freedom motion platform (Kim et al., 2018a; Kim et al., 2018b; Rahmatalla & DeShaw, 2011; Rahmatalla et al., 2008).
· Scientific Reports-Assessment of the ground vibration during blasting in mining projects using and so on all contribute to the intensity of vibrations on the ground caused by mining
Assessment of the ground vibration during blasting in mining
˙e detonation of the rock mass during the blasting process causes ground vibration. An explosive charge is inserted into the blast hole in order to explode and shatter rocks.
· 3.6. Illustrations of Vibration Response for Faulty Conditions. Vibration monitoring is useful to detect different issues in heavy machinery because they show different vibration patterns. Imbalance: Vibration data can show peaks that are symmetrical at the rotational speed frequency, which indicates an imbalance.
:Mining IndustryVibration Exposure · Large-scale rotating mechanical equipment in the mining arena plays a pivotal role in mining production, where vibration issues directly influence production
:Vibration ExposureMining Vibrating PlantsWhole Body Vibration EffectsNoise and vibration in the South African mining industry
mining industry throughout the world, the adverse health effects of exposure to noise and vibration are a seri-ous problem.2,3 Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) in the South African mining industry was documented in the medical literature in 1987. 4 It remains a
Chapter 4.4 Noise and Vibration-Responsible Mining
233 The structural vibration issues in this chapter (4.4) relate to buildings and structures. Chapter 3.2 includes job related vibration such as caused by sitting on a vibrating seat (such as operating heavy machinery) or hand vibration while working on a vibrating
Common vibration hazards and controls-Vibration-Health
The vibration transmitted from the tools or materials to the hands and arms could damage sensory nerves, muscles and joints which is called hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). Vibration white finger This is a condition caused by damage to the circulatory system in the hands and fingers as a result of contact with vibrating tools.
Preventing Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration-Centers for
Evidence shows that cumulative exposure to whole-body vibration adversely impacts the health and safety of exposed mine workers. Moreover, whole-body vibration can contribute to the development of musculoskeletal disorders of the spine among exposed workers. A significant positive association between whole-body vibration exposure and low-back
· All measurements were conducted in accordance with the international standards: ISO 5349, on hand-arm vibration, and ISO 2631-1, for whole body vibration. The equipment with the highest vibration
· Mandal, Pal, and Sishodiya (2013) observed that the daily vibration exposure times (2-7.5 hours) and vibration levels of 157 items of mining equipment in ten open pit mines varied between 0.21 and
· Vibration analysis, also known as vibration monitoring, is a critical component of predictive maintenance strategies in the mining industry. It involves the continuous monitoring of oscillatory motion, typically in rotating machinery, to detect abnormalities or deviations from normal operating conditions.
Whole-body Vibration among Operators of Mining Equipment in Indian Mining
L.A. Kumaraswamidhas, Rakesh Kumar. Whole-body Vibration among Operators of Mining Equipment in Indian Mining Condition: a Short Review and Recommendation. Trends in Machine Design. 2019; 6(3): 23–27p.
mining equipment causing vibration-Indofact
Applications of Noise Control in the Mining Industry Jan 08 2015 · Noise may be generated by the impact from drill bits and mechanical vibration from drill casings as well as impulse noise from exhaust and ancillary equipment such as fans and blowers for mine
:Mining IndustryWhole-Body Vibration Exposure LimitsPublish Year:2017Assessment of vibration exposure of mine machinery operators at
In almost all branches of industry, machinery and equipment in operation cause vibration. Some sources of vibration affect only the operator’s hands, fingers, and arms, while
· For the multi-axial WBV exposures (exposure condition (b) in Fig. 1), the vibration data profiles were chosen from tri-axial vibration data collected from 38 mining heavy equipment vehicles (11 different vehicle types) with 123 mining equipment operators (Marin et al., 2017).).
:J. Duarte, Jacqueline Castelo Branco, M.L. Matos, J. Santos BaptistaPublish Year:2020 · Whole-body vibration (WBV) is a substantial occupational health and safety hazard to heavy earth-moving machinery (HEMM) operators. There is a need to
Noise pollution in the mining industry | Reduce mining noise levels
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is also an important way to reduce exposure to noise. PPE can include earplugs or earmuffs, which can protect workers from noise levels up to 115 dB. Although there are many ways to reduce exposure to noise on mine sites, the most effective way to protect workers is by using a combination of these methods.