Indigenous Peoples and Mining Encounters: Strategies and Tactics
Strategies and tactics for dealing with indigenous peoples rank low on corporate agendas. Warhurst (1998) surveyed the social policies of 69 companies, including the top 50 mining companies rated by market capital, the Financial Times and ICME members (Table 2). With 38 responses, the resulting profile is damning.
· It reveals 27 different impacts (23 socio-economics and 4 political) associated with the industry. The socio-economic impacts found in literature are : income, employment, livelihood, poverty
Analysis Of The Legal Frameworks Of Indigenous
Extractive industries are gradually demolishing indigenous people’s lands for collecting natural resources including gold, iron, copper, oil, coal and other natural minerals, from the earth
Home-Springer-The Law is not Enough: Protecting Indigenous Peoples' Rights Against Mining
Two pieces of domestic legislation are directly relevant to obtaining FPIC from indigenous peoples. They are the Mining Act of 1995 and the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA). Enacted on 29 October 1997,7 Footnote 6 the IPRA implements the constitutional provisions regarding the rights of indigenous cultural communities.
· This article is written by Rimjhim Vaishnavi, a student of NUSRL, Ranchi. Historical Background of mining legislation in India Mining is not a new phenomenon; neither the need for law regulating mining is new. There has been laws guiding and regulating mining activities since 19th century. The first proposal for regulation of mining in India
:Indigenous MiningIndigenous PeoplesIndigenous Communities · Concerns have been expressed concerning the social effect of mining operations on indigenous people in Southeast Asia, calling for a closer look at the
· IMARC 2023: Exploring the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the mining industry The global mining industry is at a critical juncture in its engagement with First Nations communities, with progress on economic participation and
· Clean woodchips can be used as a feedstock for industrial or community-scale bioenergy and biochemical industries (BERC, 2010; Bowyer et al., 2017; Liao et al., 2020). These appear highly suitable applications as governments, businesses and communities increasingly seek to reduce waste, carbon emissions and reliance on non
Indigenous engagement is transforming the future of mining
National Resources Canada states that “Indigenous representation in the minerals sector has increased in the last decade, especially in the mining industry. Working with First Nations Territories can help support the future success of Canada’s mining industry.”. Additionally, in 2021, the direct contribution of Canada’s minerals and
· 1. Introduction Involving stakeholders in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and more specifically, in corporate sustainability management, is increasingly considered to be essential to identify and implement relevant sustainability initiatives (Engert et al., 2016, Kepore and Imbun, 2011, Manetti, 2011, Parsons, 2008, Yakovleva and
This handbook focuses on how the mining industry can work with Indigenous communities to contribute to improving present-day standards of living, generate
· This paper introduces a special section of the Canadian Journal of Development Studies, “The Africa Mining Vision: A Manifesto for More Inclusive Extractive Industry-Led Development?” Conceived by
discuss indeginous mining and industry-Governing Warlpiri
Mining, the Aluminium Industry and Indigenous Peoples Nov 16, 2015· The report, Mining, the Aluminium Industry and Indigenous Peoples: Enhancing Corporate Respect for Indigenous Peoples' Rights, provides a global overview of the challenges facing indigenous peoples, and presents five case studies from Australia, Cambodia, Guinea, India and
· We will see that there were many different systems of agricultural production in pre-colonial. Africa, to suit the variety of conditions the people faced. Africans were not passive victims of the
Mining industry of Zimbabwe-Wikipedia
The mining industry of Zimbabwe is highly diversified, with close to 40 different minerals. The predominant minerals mined by the industry include platinum , chrome, gold , coal , and diamonds . The country boasts the second-largest platinum deposit and high-grade chromium ores in the world, with approximately 2.8 billion tons of platinum group metals
· the mining industry namely, the presence of 11 different t ypes of environmental impacts and. each impact (apart from the di scovery of architectural artefacts) cause the environment to be
Limestone Mining, Industry, and Society | SpringerLink
3.1.2 Society and IndustryTo produce minerals, the role of society is extremely important. Society and industry have to work in unison and remain responsible and accountable for the environment. Several cement manufacturing companies promote rural development for improved quality of life (QOL) in and around their captive limestone mines. . Setting up a
· 3.4 Discussion of Estimation Results Results from Table 2 reveal that FDI in the mining sector (fdim) has a positive and significant impact on economic growth of the country in the long run. The estimated coefficient of 0.512, a measure of elasticity, implies that a 1% increase in FDI in the mining sector has contributed to 0.512%
SPOTLIGHT ON MINING: Opportunities in Canada s Minerals and
Canada is a leading destination for international mining finance. The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture Exchange (TSX-V) are home to 42% of the world’s public mining companies. TSX-listed companies consist mainly of. Generous, tailored incentives help exploration, Northwest Territories Yukon.
· A discussion of these debates is outside the scope of this article. Acknowledging these ambiguities, this article proceeds with straightforward definitions of CSR and Social Licence to Operate (cf. Bice et al., 2017; Yakovleva, 2005).
Mining industry in Ghana-statistics & facts | Statista
Find the most up-to-date statistics and facts on the mining industry in Ghana Ghana was the sixth-largest producer of manganese in the world as of 2021. The production volume of the metal reached
:Indigenous MiningIndigenous CommunitiesIndigenous People · What is not commonplace are agreements in which Indigenous people acquire an equity stake in industrial-scale projects on their land. Recent and powerful calls for greater Indigenous control of
· GIS, which is known as Geographic Information System, is a system that captures, stores, organizes, processes, and maps all kinds of data (Plessis et al, 2022). As shown in Figure 1, GIS connects data to a map and combines all kinds of descriptive data with location data. This offers a basis for mapping and analysis, which are applied to real
The mining industry in Canada has prioritized building and maintaining respectful, strong, trusting partnerships with Indigenous communities – First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples– impacted by, or with an interest in, mineral exploration and mining activities.
Mining plays a key role in Zimbabwe’s economy, contributing 5% and 23% to the country’s gross domestic (GDP) and total exports, respectively. It also generates foreign currency and supplies raw materials to some
:Indigenous MiningIndigenous Program in The Mines · Indigenous rights shape the relationships between stakeholders and how those relationships, and especially negotiated agreements between Indigenous
The significance of indigenous knowledge systems (iks) for Africa’s socio-cultural and economic development in the dawn of the Fourth Industrial
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) rapidly advanced at the beginning of the 21st century. Leaders within organisations need to adjust their visions, plans, organisational structures, and
:Indigenous CommunitiesIndigenous Mining Agreements · Mining in Zimbabwe, 5 years later (mining industry recap) July 31, 2023. The mining sector in Zimbabwe has demonstrated steady growth since the appointment of Hon Winston Chitando as the Minister of Mines and Mining Development in November 2017 after the fall of the Robert Mugabe administration. Despite some visible challenges and
· the environment has led to an increase in the research in this field. The aim of this study was to. analyze the dynamics of the research focused on mining waste and its sustainable management on
Web Mining: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions
With the objective of gleaning necessary knowledge and insights from the enormous amount of data accessible on the World Wide Web, web mining is a well-known research field. Web mining has developed into a crucial tool for companies, researchers, and organizations to find hidden patterns and linkages that might guide decision-making as the amount of web