A novel conversion process for waste slag: synthesis of a hydrotalcite-like compound and zeolite from blast furnace slag
The main components of blast furnace slag (BFS) are CaO, SiO2, A12O3, MgO and slight amounts of transition metals such as Fe, Ti and Mn. We successfully synthesized a hydrotalcite-like compound from BFS via a convenient chemical process: acid-leaching and precipitation. After the HCl acid-leaching process, B
· New process for dry granulation and heat recovery from molten blast-furnace slag Ironmaking & Steelmaking , 12 ( 1985 ) , pp. 14-21 , 10.1016/0304-386X(85)90024-6 View in Scopus Google Scholar
:Utilization of Blast FurnaceUtilization of SlagComprehensive utilisation of blast furnace slag-Taylor & Francis
The water quenching granulation process, also known as the wet treatment process, is a process that uses a high-pressure water stream to quickly cool the blast fur-nace
:Blast Furnace SlagGranulation · Modern blast furnace ironmaking technology has a history of more than 100 years, and the impact of the high-temperature physicochemical properties of blast
Techno-economic analysis of a novel full-chain blast furnace slag utilization systemView Article · Life cycle assessment was conducted for the novel blast furnace slag utilization system. • Two kinds of high value-added products of zeolite and hydrotalcite
· Among them, dry centrifugal granulation (DCG) method has its own advantages. In this study, a physical and mathematical model of slag flow behavior in DCG process is established. The DCG process
Slag System-an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Slag-forming FCA consumables have been more recently introduced for enhanced productivity and ease of use (with rutile slag system), with most interest for fixed pipework welding of martensitic grades (9Cr). Welding is carried out with an Ar–CO 2 mix and DC+ current; 1.2 mm is the wire diameter mostly used.
Slag Granulation with Continuous Dewatering Ironmaking
integrated distribution system for an even slag sand distribution over the complete length of the drum. With more than 260 references, this most popular and effective means of processing blast furnace slag in the world today is rated as Best Available Tech-nology.
Blast Furnace Slag: Buy Slag, GBFS, & GGBFS Online | JAYCEE
GBFS is mainly used for grinding and producing GGBFS as well as blended cements with slag. GBFS is also used as an effective replacement of natural sand / crushed sand in concrete as a fine aggregate. GGBFS enhances long-term performance and durability characteristics in concrete while reducing life-cycle and maintenance costs.
:Blast Furnace SlagPublish Year:2020 · In recent years, the utilization of different non-traditional cements and composites has been increasing. Alkali-activated cementitious materials, especially those based on the alkali activation of blast
· Blast furnace slag (BFS) is an industrial by-product of iron and steel manufacturing industry. It is estimated that 290 kg blast furnace slag will be produced per ton of pig iron [1, 2].2].
· Life cycle assessment was conducted for the novel blast furnace slag utilization system. •. Two kinds of high value-added products of zeolite and hydrotalcite-like compounds were synthesized simultaneously. •. The net CO 2 emission was −6103.62 kg·t slag−1 and the economic cost was decreased by 250.80 $·t slag−1. •.
· Blast furnace slag (BFS) and converter slag (CS) are the main by-products of the BF-BOF long-process steel production model. In China, the utilization ratio of BFS is high. CS cannot be widely used in the building materials industry due to its characteristics, which is an important issue for the sustainable development of Chinese steel companies.
· High-temperature molten steel slag is a large amount of industrial solid waste containing available heat energy and resources. This paper introduces an efficient and comprehensive utilization process of high-temperature molten steel slag. The waste heat energy in the high-temperature molten steel slag can be fully recovered through the
· Calcium carbide slag (CCS) is a solid waste generated in the acetylene (C 2 H 2 ) production process through a reaction of calcium carbide with water [7,8], with an annual emission of over 40
· To increase the utilization fraction of vanadium titano-magnetite in the blast furnace burden to > 80 pct, a new slag zone with high MgO was found. The effect of the TiO2 content and MgO/CaO mass ratio on the viscosity and liquidus temperature of the high TiO2-bearing blast furnace slag was investigated in the present work. The results
Development of Slag Flowability Prediction Formula for Blast Furnace
The formation of the primary slag in a blast furnace presumably occurs in the cohesive zone through luxing of the alumina-silicate contained in iron-ore gangue and unreduced iron oxide. The molten slag then drips over lumps of coke and flux materials, such as lime-stone, dolomite and BOF slag.
· Steel slag mainly refers to the blast furnace slag and converter slag produced in the process of iron making and steel making, and with the increase of steel production, the amount of steel slag produced increases simultaneously. In 2017, the metallurgical slag output of iron and steel enterprises in China reached more than 440
· Blast furnace slag is one type of solid waste generated by the iron-making process, which is discharged at temperatures ranging from 1450 C to 1650 C. In China, there was approximately 0.197 billion tons of slag discharged in 2012, the thermal energy of which is equivalent to the energy contained in 11.5 million tons of coal.
· PDF A Review of Granulation Process for Blast Furnace Slag
Blast furnace slag is a by-product of blast furnace (BF) ironmaking produce. Every pig iron production is accompany by 0.3 ~ 0.6 tons of blast furnace slag produced with the temperature of 1350 ć ~1450 ć (1600~1 800 MJ sensible heat, equivalent to 55~61kg standard coal combustion after the heat generated). On this basis, the BF slag is up to
· 12.1. Introduction Blast furnace slag (BFS) which is defined “as the non-metallic product consisting essentially of silicates and alumina silicates of calcium and other bases, that is developed in a molten condition simultaneously with iron in a blast furnace” by ASTM C 125-16 (2016) has been widely used in construction industry for more than
· The granulated blast furnace slag produced by the pilot plants at CSIRO was over 98% glassy and denser than the water-granulated slag. Sulphur losses from the slag were negligible. CSIRO has partnered with Beijing MCC Equipment Research & Design Corporation (MCCE) to scale-up and commercialize the DSG process.
· In the first production route, molten iron is produced in the blast furnace, and recycled steel scraps are charged to the BOF downstream of the blast furnace in integrated steel mills. The mix generally contains 80–90 %
· The temperature of a hot blast range from 900-1000°C. It supplies energy to the furnace charge before the combustion process starts, which leads to better carbon utilization. Blast furnaces have been an important part of China’s economic growth. There is evidence of their use dating back to 200 BC.
Blast furnace ironmaking process with super high TiO in the slag: Density and surface tension of the slag
Abstract: Aiming at the process of smelting ultra-high (>80%) or even full vanadium titanomagnetite in blast furnace, we are conducting a series of works on physics character of high TiO2 bearing blast furnace slag (BFS) for slag optimization. This work
· Alkali-activated systems (AAS) represent an ecologically and economically sustainable inorganic binder as an alternative to ordinary Portland cement (OPC). One of the main benefits of AAS is their durability in aggressive environments, which can be equal or even better than that of OPC. In this paper, the influence of the type of
modern blast furnace slag processing system
Blast Furnace The hot blast temperature can be from 900 C to 1300 C (1600 F to 2300 F) depending on the stove design and condition. The temperatures they deal with may be 2000 C to 2300 C (3600 F to 4200 F). Oil, tar, natural gas, powdered coal and
· Molten slag is broken up by supersonic air into droplets through the air quenching dry slag granulation technique. The breakup process of blast furnace slag directly determines the droplet diameter and the waste heat recovery. In order to gain deep insight into the granulation mechanism and visualize the breakup process, three
· During the blast furnace (BF) smelting process, the viscosity of BF slag affects greatly the quality of molten iron, slag-iron separation, Life cycle assessment of a novel blast furnace slag utilization system Energy,
:Blast Furnace Slag UtilizationUtilization of Blast Furnace · In blast furnaces (BF) ore gangue and non-metallic impurities are removed from the metal ore, thereby producing pig iron and slag as the final products. Pig iron