Novel sampling-based techniques for approximate answering of ad hoc aggregation queries in such databases using approach based on random walks of the P2P graph, as well as block-level sampling techniques are presented. Peer-to-peer (P2P) databases are becoming prevalent on the Internet for distribution and sharing of documents,
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks enable the interconnection of a huge amount of information sources without imposing costs for a central coordination infrastructure. Due to the dynamic and self-organizing nature of such networks, it is not feasible to guarantee completeness and correctness as in traditional distributed databases.
Efficient Approximate Processing of Queries in P2P Networks. Suraj N. Arya, R. Argiddi. Published 2016. Computer Science. TLDR. An approach for approximately
To enable approximate query answering, in this dissertation we propose a set of universal sampling operations specifically designed for probing the data in peer-to-peer databases. We complement these operations at the bottom tier by a set of approximate query processing techniques at the top tier to develop a two-tier system for answering both
Efficient approximate query processing in peer-to-peer networks . × Close Log In Log in with Facebook Log in with Google or Email Password Remember me on this computer or reset password Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a
The main challenge in P2P approximate query processing is to select the optimal subset of peers to which the query is forwarded. However, the selection criteria for this subset are completely different for top-k and aggregate queries.While in top-k the goal is to identify the peers holding top objects, approximate aggregate querying algorithms need to find a
An extensive evaluation of database query processing model in peer-to-peer networks using top-k query processing technique and implemented by Java, and MySql is presented. Peer-to-peer databases are becoming more prevalent on the internet for sharing and distributing applications, documents, files, and other digital media. The problem
Efficient Approximate Query Processing in P2P Network. ABSTRACT. Peer-to-peer (P2P) databases are becoming prevalent on the Internet for distribution and sharing of
The approximate query processing system built makes use of less number of messages to achieve quality service, efficient utilization of resources, increased throughput and less response time. Such a technique might prove to be useful for answering aggregate queries in a P2P network working on real time databases.
If the relevant information about the different active peers in the peer-to-peer network and the relevant information about the databases on each peer are known, then
Abstract. In peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, flooding-based resource discovery is very popular. With flooding, a node searching for a resource contacts its neighbors in the system, which in turn contact their own neighbors and so on until a node that shares the requested resource is located. Flooding process assumes no knowledge about the network
An approach for approximately answering ad hoc queries in dynamic and distributed databases is presented and an approach for processing queries in such environment is described in this work. : Peer-to-peer (P2P) databases are most probably used nowadays on the Internet for distributing and sharing documents, applications, and other
Efficient Approximate Query Processing in Peer-to-Peer Networks Benjamin Arai, Student Member, IEEE, Gautam Das, Dimitrios Gunopulos,Member, IEEE, and Vana Kalogeraki, Member, IEEE Abstract—Peer-to-peer
Each peer has a bounded number of neighbor and acquaintance links. It can be called as p’s friends the set of peers that have p among their acquaintances. The number of friends of a peer is its in-degree (which is unbounded, let alone by the size of
Peer-to-peer (P2P) databases are becoming prevalent on the Internet for distribution and sharing of documents, applications, and other digital media. The problem of answering
Efficient approximate query processing in peer-to-peer networks. harry mec. 2007, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. See Full PDF. Download PDF.
Since overlaps between vocabularies of peers will be limited and the dynamic nature of the system prohibits the design of accurate mappings, query processing will have to be approximate. We provide a formal model for such approximate query processing based on limited shared vocabularies between peers, and we show how the quality of the
The work presented here puts forward MAPS, a novel approach to support approximate information filtering in a peer-to-peer environment. In MAPS a user subscribes to and monitors only carefully selected data sources, and receives notifications about interesting events from these sources only.
query processing in peer-to-peer networks is still a very open issue. In [3], the authors develop a P2P data sharing archi-tecture for computing approximate answers for complex queries by finding data ranges that are similar to the user query. Relevant data is
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