As deep learning and other highly accurate black-box models develop, the social demand or legal requirements for interpretability and explainability of machine learning models are becoming more significant (Pasquale 2015; Doshi-Velez and Kortz 2017). Interpretability can be defined as the ability for a model to be understood by its users
The bill of lading often contains a limitation of liability clause which restricts the carrier’s liability to a certain predetermined amount in case of loss, damage, or delay. This clause helps protect carriers from excessive
The Official Rules of Equipment. The main objective of the Equipment Rules is to ensure that technological advances in the design and manufacture of golf equipment are in the
This would refute legal positivism for it famously does not admit any reference to moral reasoning in order to identify the content of the law. Keywords: defeasibility , contemporary law , principles , rules , legal positivism , moral reasoning
Portable appliance testing (PAT) is the term used to describe the examination of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use. Most electrical safety defects can be found by visual examination but some types of defect can only be found by testing. However, it is essential to understand that visual examination is an
3 · 1. Clubs. a. General. A club is an implement designed to be used for striking the ball and generally comes in three forms: woods, irons and putters distinguished by shape and intended use. A putter is a club with a loft not exceeding ten degrees designed primarily for use on the putting green. The club must not be substantially different from
These Regulations (often abbreviated to LOLER) place duties on people and companies who own, operate or have control over lifting equipment. This includes all businesses and organisations whose employees use lifting equipment, whether owned by them or not. In most cases, lifting equipment is also work equipment so the Provision and Use of Work
Generally, a single ‘local rules’ document is sufficient to cover all types of dental radiography at a practice (intra-oral, panoramic, cephalometric, and dental CBCT). However, a practice could choose to have separate sets of local rules for each surgery containing an X-ray set, or for different types of X-ray equipment.
1-5-9 Any player equipment judged by the umpire to be unreasonably dangerous is illegal. 1-5-10 Any questions regarding legality of a player’s equipment shall be resolved by the umpire-in-chief. 1-5-11 Non-traditional playing equipment must be reviewed by the NFHS Baseball Rules Committee before it will be permitted to be used.
Purpose of Rule: Rule 4 covers the equipment that players may use during a round. Based on the principle that golf is a challenging game in which success should depend on the
19 While there are distinctions in literature between machine-readable and machine-consumable, the author here uses them interchangeably and treats them as synonymous. 20 Alluding to the quality described in Frederick Schauer, “Ruleness,” Dupret Baudouin et al. (eds.) in Legal Rules in
The Legal Metrology Act, 2009 is a single Act covering the provisions of the Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976 and (Enforcement) Act, 1985. Legal Metrology. Legal Metrology is the application of legal requirements to measurements and measuring instruments. Legislation. The Act received the assent of the President on the 13th
Rule 4-The Player’s Equipment. Purpose of Rule: Rule 4 covers the equipment that players may use during a round. Based on the principle that golf is a challenging game in which success should depend on the player’s judgment, skills and abilities, the player: Is restricted in the use of other equipment that gives artificial help to their play.
Legal Requirements on Explainability. The requirements on explainability imposed by Euro-pean laws and their implications for machine learning (ML) models are not always clear. In that perspective, our research (Bibal et al., Forthcoming) analyzes explana-tion obligations imposed for private and public decision-making, and how they can be
4 · The common law consists of legal rules, principles, and standards. Common law legal rules are relatively specific legal norms that require actors to act or not act in a
Proposal: making legal rules machine-consumable so they can be used by service delivery systems • ‘Machine-consumable’ means having rules available in a code or code-like form that software can understand and interact with, such as a calculation, the eligibility
Seek legal advice to ensure your contracts are legally sound, enforceable, and adequately protect your gym group’s rights. For example, when creating membership agreements, clearly outline the terms and conditions, including membership fees, cancellation policies, liability waivers, and any additional rules or regulations that members must abide by.
The purpose of an inspection is to identify whether work equipment can be operated, adjusted and maintained safely, with any deterioration detected and remedied before it results in a health and safety risk. Not all work equipment needs formal inspection to ensure safety and, in many cases, a quick visual check before use will be sufficient.
While not wishing to stifle innovation, the purpose of the Equipment Rules is to protect the traditions of the game, to prevent an over-reliance on technological advances rather than
The Legislative Recipe: Syntax for Machine-Readable Legislation. Megan Ma, Bryan Wilson. Legal interpretation is a linguistic venture. In judicial opinions, for example,
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.