Reusing agricultural or marine-based wastes could offer a promising alternative to achieve natural aggregate conservation and a pollution-free environment. This study investigated
An exploratory study of crushed periwinkle shell (CPWS) as partial replacement for fine aggregate in concrete was carried out. Mechanical and Physical properties of the
In the study, periwinkle shells were heated to 300 oC for 2 hours, crushed, and sieved with a 180 µm Standard Tyler Sieve No 80. The sieved sample was then activated with hydrochloric acid, washed, oven-dried at 110oC, and further crushed to obtain fine particle sizes of the adsorbent. 100 ml of wastewater samples were treated with varying mass of
Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies ISSN 1583-1078 Issue 15, July-December 2009 p. 59-66 61 shells have accumulated in many parts of the country such as Bori, Western Ijaw
kernel shells and periwinkle shells as coarse aggregate in lightweight concrete. Palm kernel shell was partially a waste in the 1990s and early 2000, more than 350,000 tons were available for sale, especially in concrete work (Mohammed, 2007). The aim
A. Materials. In this research work, periwinkle shells, palm kernel shells, and Coconut shells are the main local materials coefficient of uniformitfor the media that was considered. These materials were obtained from a local market called Oyigbo market in Lagos State, South Western part of Nigeria.
PLATE I: Palm Kernel Shell (left), crushed palm kernel shell (middle), Periwinkle Shell (right). Periwinkle shell Periwinkle shells (plate I right) were obtained in sufficient quantities from Mile 1 market in Port-Harcourt where they
ABSTRACT. This paper reports the exploratory study on the suitability of the periwinkle shells as partial or full replacement for granite in concrete works. Physical and mechanical properties of
Materials 2023, 16, 1853 3 of 16 reported by Soneye [2] that periwinkle shells can be used up to 30% as replacement for natural aggregate in producing concrete of good strength. Otunyo et al. [33] also pointed out that crushed periwinkle shells can be deployed as
Keywords: Cement, Concrete, Periwinkle Shell Ash, Pozzolans. 1. INTRODUCTION Periwinkle shell is a waste product generated from the consumption of a small greenish-blue marine snail (periwinkle), housed in a V shaped spiral shell, found in many coastal
This study investigates crushed periwinkle shells' suitability as an alternate material for natural sand in sandcrete hollow blocks for sustainable infrastructure. Tests, including the chemical
(a) Periwinkle shells; (b) crushed periwinkle shells; (c) laboratory ball milling crusher with steel balls. 2.2. Method—Mix Design and Batching In this study, the batch proportioning of the constituent materials for the hollow sandcrete blocks was carried out by weighing three (3) batches in the laboratory.
A total of sixty (60) concrete cubes of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm with different percentages by weight of crushed granite to periwinkle shells as fine and coarse aggregate in order of 0%, 10%, 30%, 50% and 100% inclusion of periwinkle shells were cast, tested
This study investigated the suitability of using crushed periwinkle shell (CPWS) as a reliable constituent material for sand and stone dust in producing hollow sandcrete blocks. The CPWS was used
magnetic stirrer. The materials used include periwinkle shells, ethanol. 2.2 Catalyst preparation and characterization The selected agricultural waste, assorted Periwinkle Snail Shells (PSS) (Figure 1), were crushed and divided into two categories to
and granite were 1.35, 1.48 and 2.54. The average bulk density of the periwinkle shells, rice husk and crushed granite were 1550 kg/m3, 430 kg/m3 and 2490 kg/m3 respectively. From the slump test,
The average moisture content and bulk density periwinkle shells were 1.44% and 1243 kg/m3, respectively. The bulk density of crushed granite was 2860 kg/m3. The particle size distribution of fines, crushed granite and periwinkle shells is shown in Figure-1
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.