· As such, the Green Life Project presents a clear case of what Fairhead et al. (Citation 2012, p. 238) named “green grabbing”, which is “the appropriation of land and resources for environmental ends” and which “is an emerging process of deep and growing
· Reclaiming the Past: Historical Dynamics and Legacies of the Exploitation of Natural Resources and Land Grabbing in the Caribbean Region of Colombia March 2014 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18948.91529
· The process of agro-export expansion has concentrated land and water resources in the valley into fewer farms. Using agricultural census data, we estimated that the Gini coefficient 5 for land distribution changed from 0.79 in 1994 to 0.86 in 2012. Bauluz et al. (2020) estimated a Gini coefficient of 0.92 for agricultural land in Peru using the
:Publish Year:2021Anna Jurkevics · Globally, land grabbing increases the vulnerability of indigenous peoples by denying traditional access to their own land and natural resources. Whether
· The conjunction of climate, food, and financial crises in the late 2000s triggered renewed interest in farmland and agribusiness investments around the world. This phenomenon became known as the ‘global land grab' and sparked debates among social movements, NGOs, academics, government and international development agencies
· ABSTRACT. Natural resources availability in any country cont ributes immensely to its. wealth base and aids socio-economic development. This paper examined. the natural resource potentials vis-à
· Wendy Wolford. Over the past several years, the convergence of global crises in food, energy, finance, and the environment has driven a dramatic revaluation of land ownership. Powerful transnational and national economic actors from corporations to national governments and private equity funds have searched for ‘empty’ land often in
· More research is needed to fully understand the impacts of this very important economic activity on Peru’s natural resources, to ensure its sustainability in the long term. Introduction Water scarcity affects about four billion people and is presenting major challenges both for society and the environment (De Angelis et al., 2017,
· For years, the international community has witnessed numerous disputes over how land and natural resources are controlled. One of these disputes is on land grabbing, which has many definitions but describes “the practice of governments paving the way for industr[ies] by handing over communally held parcels of land for economic
Resources Grabbing and Human Rights: Building a Triangular
countries has led phrases such as ‘land grabbing’ and ‘land grab’ to enter the media lexicon.1 While land grabbing is making the headlines, little focus is put on the wider notion of ‘resources grabbing’ taking place across the globe. Exploitation of natural
· Cambodia: Land Grabbing ICC Case. In 2014, GD Partner, Richard J Rogers, filed a Communication on behalf of victims to the Prosecutor of the ICC, alleging that widespread land grabbing and
What is Land Grabbing? | FAO-Food and Agriculture Organization
Land grabbing is a serious issue that affects the environment, economy, social welfare and human rights. Despite the global reach of land grabbing, there is no definition that fully captures the issue. Here, Eco Ruralis presents not only its complete definitional framework, but also an overview of other definitions and ideas, drawing attention
:Land Grab LawNatural Resources Grabbing 2013Ohio Law On Land GrabbingOHCHR | Home-Land-grabbing in Asia displaces indigenous
GENEVA (8 September 2020)-Indigenous peoples in Asia are facing massive displacement, the destruction of their environment and rising poverty due to land
· Introduction Despite accounting for only 6.2% of the global population, 1 Indigenous Peoples formally or customarily govern at least a quarter of the world’s terrestrial surface. 2 Their stewardship, which is deeply rooted in their practices, worldviews, knowledge systems, and connections to place, plays a crucial role in contributing to
· The International Criminal Court (ICC), housed at The Hague in the Netherlands, has mostly focused on human rights abuses and war crimes committed during armed conflicts throughout its 14-year
Home-Springer-After the ICC Office of the Prosecutor s 2016
Rome Statute. In particular, it recognises that land grabbing, illegal exploitation of natural resources and destruction of the environment are ‘‘serious crime under national law.’’13 (emphasis added). It also statesthat‘‘theOfficewill giveparticularconsiderationto
· All of them were tracked as part of a USAID-funded project, named Transparent Governance of Natural Resources (TGNR). This video shares how protected territories in the northwestern Amazon region of Colombia, particularly those for indigenous communities or protected areas, have been targeted for land grabs: the illegal seizure
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES RIGHTS TO LAND The Threat of Land Grabbing-International Work Group for Indigenous
environmental sustainability and equitable access to, or control over, natural resources. Land acquired between 2000 and 2011 & origin of investors (cross-referenced deals) Source for figure and map: W. Anseeuw, L. Alden Wily, L. Cotula, and M. Taylor
· In the global quest for land and natural resources, indigenous peoples are particularly negatively impacted. While most local communities, peasants, farmers and other local land users are affected by this global land rush, embedded discrimination, a lack of recognition of land tenure and vulnerability mean that this re
· For Alley, of Global Witness, that disqualifies government officials from any claim that exploitation of the country’s natural resources is their sovereign right. “This is an argument we meet
:Human Rights ViolationsHuman Rights Against Land GrabbingReflection On Norms · In recent years, there has been increasing scholarly attention to the fluid relationship between the exploitation of natural resources by foreign corporations, and the livelihood conditions of communities close to where these resources are extracted (Freduah et al. 2018; Obeng-Odoom 2014; Owusu 2019; Queffelec et al. 2021).).
After the ICC Office of the Prosecutor’s 2016 Policy Paper on Case Selection and Prioritisation: Towards an International Crime of Ecocide
The 2016 Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) policy paper on case selection and prioritization is a significant development in that it highlights the possible role of the ICC in prosecuting environmental damage, illegal natural resource exploitation and land grabbing. For obvious reasons, however, the ICC Office of the Prosecutor
· Undesignated public forests (50 Mha) in the Brazilian Amazon have no tenure status. • They are the target of land grabbing, speculation and exploitation of natural resources. • 2.6 million hectares (5%) had been deforested by 2018. •
· 2. ← The phrase ‘global land grab’ has become a catch-all to describe and analyze the current. explosion of large scale (trans)national commercial land transactions. Around the world, there
· Abstract. This chapter provides the reader with a general overview about the nexus between women, indigenous peoples’ land tenure rights and land governance issues. In particular, in both African and Latin American countries, ensuring indigenous peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories, and natural resources is critical not just for
:Publish Year:2021Gustavo de L. T. Oliveira, Ben M. McKay, Juan Liu · Arguably land grabbing is not a new phenomenon, because forced land dispossession of local populations to ensure the commercial exploitation of their natural
Natural Resource Exploitation & Displacement – Legal Action
LAW held two expert roundtables on housing, land and property (HLP) issues in Somalia with the Norwegian Refugee Council. The first roundtable took place in Nairobi on 8 December 2014 and the second one was held in Nairobi on 2 June 2015. The roundtable provided an overview of the current HLP legal and policy framework and ways forward.
few natural resources left on indigenous territories, the rapid growth in the extractive industry, and the need for the exploitation of the natural resources are putting new strains on indigenous peoples’ rights over their ancestral territories. State and private actors
Natural Resources Grabbing: An International Law Perspective, Brill (2015). 1. Introduction In recent years, a large increase in land investments mainly in developing countries has led phrases such as ‘land grabbing’ and ‘land grab’ to enter the media lexicon.1
· In LAC, flex crop production was promoted since the 1990's by governments which, in spite of their leftist orientation, pushed for a development model based on the exploitation of raw materials