About us-The Compound Company
About us. We are a fast-growing company based out of The Netherlands – with a sales network able to service customers worldwide. Our portfolio features a wide range of specialty applications – from adhesive resins for buildings, to compounding additives for plastic recycling. Our binding commitment to you: If we say ‘yes’ to an
· Bioethanol is currently being considered as a potential replacement for the conventional gasoline, especially as it possesses similar and some superior qualities enabling reduction in GHG and increases fuel reserve. Bioethanol used for commercial purposes is usually produced from edible feedstocks such as corn and sugar cane which
· In some cases the aim is to enhance the production of a natural product, whereas in others it is to synthesize a novel compound or macromolecule. In additional, altering metabolic enzymes or pathways has become an important approach for investigating cell physiology ( Farmer & Liao, 2001 )
· This Special Issue of the journal Processes on “Technologies for Production, Processing, and Extractions of Nature Product Compounds” aims to group original research articles and
· Furthermore, a marine microalgae hydrolysate was used as the sole carbon source for the production of caryophyllene and other terpene compounds. Under the optimal fermentation conditions, 360 mg/L of total terpene, 322 mg/L of sesquiterpene, and 75 mg/L caryophyllene were obtained from the pretreated algae hydrolysates.
· Up to 586.5 mg L −1 (9.9 mM) guanidine was produced after seven days of photoautotrophic cultivation, with an average productivity of 83.8 mg L −1 day −1. In addition, guanidine was directly biosynthesized from CO 2, N 2 and H 2 O in an engineered N 2 -fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 expressing the EFE.
· Bioreactors are now developed for industrial-scale production of cell suspensions having value-added compounds [ 1, 32 ]. Numerous types of bioreactors using plant cells, such as stirred tanks,
· This review article focuses on the recent advances in microbial production of aromatic products, with a special emphasis on metabolic engineering strategies, as well as bioprocess optimization. The recent combination of these two techniques has resulted in the development of several alternative processes to produce phenylpropanoids, aromatic
· Abstract Bacteria belonging to Rhodococcus genus represent ideal candidates for microbial biotechnology applications because of their metabolic versatility, ability to degrade a wide range of organic compounds, and resistance to various stress conditions, such as metal toxicity, desiccation, and high concentration of organic
Pulsed powder technologies for the production of permanent compounds
Pulsed powder technologies for the production of permanent compounds from heterogeneous materials 0.8) T p., and magnetic pressure of 50010 6 N / mm 2 during the process (100 200) 10 −6 s. energy-intensive equipment up to 10 kJ with a discharge The
Advances on Bacterial and Fungal Biofilms for the Production of Added-Value Compounds
2020.07427 and CEECIND/01700/2017/FCT. In recent years, abundant research has been performed on biofilms for the production of compounds with biotechnological and industrial relevance. The use of biofilm platforms has been seen as a compelling approach to producing fine and bulk chemicals such as organic acids, alcohols, and solvents.
· Rodríguez-Pérez et al. [] also reported an increase in the production of phenolic compounds from olefinic leaves by UAE (47 mg GAE/g DW) when compared to conventional extraction (27 mg GAE/g DW), reporting chlorogenic acid as
: Balraj Singh Gill, Navgeet, Feng Qiu · Industrial manufacturing, Materials, Pharmaceuticals. Abstract. Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry has been limited for a long time to the research and
Plant-made pharmaceuticals: exploring studies for the production
The production of pharmaceutical compounds in plants is attracting increasing attention, as plant-based systems can be less expensive, safer, and more scalable than mammalian, yeast, bacterial, and insect cell expression systems. Here, we review the history and current status of plant-made pharmaceu
Combinative Particle Size Reduction Technologies for the Production
This review article discusses the development of combinative methods, such as the NANOEDGE, H 96, H 69, H 42, and CT technologies. These processes were developed to improve the particle size reduction effectiveness of the standard techniques. These novel technologies can combine bottom-up and/or top-down techniques in a two-step process.
· Plant in vitro cultures represent an attractive and cost-effective alternative to classical approaches to plant secondary metabolite (PSM) production (the “Plant Cell Factory” concept). Among other
· Taken together, metabolic engineering has enabled microorganisms to serve as a prominent platform for natural compounds production. This article examines both the conventional and novel strategies of metabolic engineering, providing general strategies for complex natural compound production through the development of
Modular Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Coculture Strategies for the Production of Aromatic Compounds
In certain conditions, the cocultures outperformed their monoculture controls for RK production, although this was not the norm. Interestingly, the cocultures showed up to 7.5-fold increase and 308.4 mg/L of 4-hydroxy benzalacetone, the direct precursor of RK, which can be used for the semi-synthesis of RK.
· In its Technical Report Series the WHO, No. 957 (2010, Annex 2), states that dedicated areas should be used for the production of cephalosporins; therefore, all compounds that belong to the latter class of drugs do not require segregation during the).
· The modifications are aimed to maximize the efficacy of the drug, the production yield, and the potency of the antibiotic. These modifications can be the genetic modification of microorganisms, and
· Karl Christe Stefan Schneider. Iodine-Production, Uses, Compounds: Iodine is produced commercially from iodine-containing brines. Natural brines, or brines extracted from oil wells containing up to 150 mg per liter (0.02 ounce per gallon) of iodine, are found in Java, California, and northern Italy; the world’s top producers include Chile
· New Equipment for Production of Super Hard Spherical Tungsten Carbide and other High-Melting Compounds Using the Method of Plasma Atomization of Rotating Billet June 2017 Materials Science
Combination of emerging technologies for the extraction of bioactive compounds
Their combinations, ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction (UAEE), microwave-assisted enzymatic extraction (MAEE) and ultrasonic microwave-assisted extraction (UMAE), can exhibit higher potential extraction ability. However, some of them need specific equipment. The food industry in the extraction sector should choose a proper extraction
Shunzhi Organic & Compound Fertilizer Production Line For Sale
Shunzhi Fertilizer Production Line Cost. A fertilizer production line needs composting system, crushing system, blending equipment, granulating system and packaging scale, which will cost you $36,000 to $600,000. The cost of a fertilizer production line varies depending on the machines and configurations you choose.
· Production cost for the microbial cell factory optimisation is the major hurdle underlying the industrialization of plant compounds produced by microbes. Another major challenge is engineering the host towards utilization of economical feed stocks and enhancing recombinant host compatibility towards harsh fermentation conditions.
· The immature honey pomelo fruit (IPF) is a huge agro-industrial by-product generated during pomelo planting. Although IPF is rich in nutrients, more than 95% of IPF is discarded annually, which causes resource waste and a serious environmental problem. Here, we report a novel continuous phase transi
· Biotechnological production of bioactive compounds has been extensively studied since the development of cell culture technology, metabolic engineering, systems biology, and synthetic biology [8]. This method generally uses genetically modified organisms or tissues instead of wild-type organisms to produce target compounds in
· Historically, natural products (NPs) have played a key role in drug discovery, especially for cancer and infectious diseases 1, 2, but also in other therapeutic areas, including cardiovascular
Methods of extraction of bioactive compounds-Springer
Bioactive compounds refer to secondary metabolites extracted from plants, fungi, microbes, or animals. Besides having pharmacological or toxicological effects on organisms leading to utilization in food and pharmaceutical industries, the discovery of novel properties of such compounds has led to the diversification of their applications, ranging from cosmetics
· A variety of chemical substances used in plastic production may be released throughout the entire life cycle of the plastic, posing risks to human health, the environment, and recycling systems.