· The mining ecotype Sedum alfredii Hance could tolerate and grow normally in a nutritive solution containing cadmium (Cd) as high as 400 μmol/L. Under such a high Cd concentration, the subcellular
· The areas of the active and abandoned mine fields were 2103.63 m 2 and 10,425 m 2, respectively.The extent of current environmental degradation in the area caused by gold mining activities, the demographic and
Cadmium Toxicity On Aquatic Ecosystem: A Review
Cadmium (Cd) is a widespread toxic contaminant in the environment, presenting a pressing and recurring global challenge contamination are industrial wastewater from mining, pharmaceuticals, electroplating, rubber and plastics, metal finishing, tanneries et al.
EXPOSURE TO CADMIUM:A MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH CONCERNCadmium exerts toxic effects on the kidney, the skeletal system and the respiratory system and is classified as a human carcinogen.1–4 It is generally present in the environment at low levels; however, human activity has greatly increased levels in environmental media relevant to population
Cadmium contamination in soils and crops in four mining areas,
DOI: 10.1016/J.GEXPLO.2018.06.003 Corpus ID: 134250930 Cadmium contamination in soils and crops in four mining areas, China @article{Zhou2018CadmiumCI, title={Cadmium contamination in soils and crops in four mining areas, China}, author={Ziqi Zhou and Zhizhong Chen and Hanjiang Pan and Binbin Sun and Daoming Zeng and Ling
· Cadmium contamination in soils is serious in the four mining areas. • Cadmium in rice of Dexing and maize of Baiyin exceed foodstuff safety criteria. • Concentration of Cd in crops is closely related with that in soils. • Crop type, organic matter and Zn in soils have
• human activities, such as tobacco smoking, mining, smelting and refining of non-ferrous metals, 8 fossil fuel combustion, incineration of municipal waste (especially cadmium
Worldwide Production, Trade and Consumption of Cadmium
Cadmium is produced as a by-product from mining, smelting, and refining sulphide ores of zinc, and to a lesser degree, lead and copper. Cadmium minerals do not occur in
Cadmium is a chemical element; it has symbol Cd and atomic number 48. This soft, silvery-white metal is chemically similar to the two other stable metals in group 12, zinc and mercury. Like zinc, it demonstrates
· Cadmium (Cd) pollution in mining areas is the most important challenge for soil environment management in China. Assessing the actual Cd pollution risk in various mining areas and identifying the core areas requiring supervision can provide a basis for
· Soil environment criteria (SEC) are commonly derived from the total concentration of pollutants in soils, resulting in overly stringent values. Herein, we examined the feasibility of deriving the SEC by using the bioaccessibility of pollutants. In this regard, soil samples from 33 locations at 12 mining/smelting sites in China were collected and
Cadmium.org – International Cadmium Association
The International Cadmium Association (ICdA) is supporting the cadmium industry on the Environmental, Health and Sustainability fronts with programs aiming at assessing and reducing cadmium exposure of workers and risks to the environment. Uses of cadmium and its compounds are very strictly regulated, managed and controlled.
:Cadmium Environmental Health CriteriaCadmium Plating Health RisksCadmium Statistics and Information | U.S. Geological Survey
Statistics and information on the worldwide supply of, demand for, and flow of the mineral commodity cadmium. Cadmium, a soft, malleable, ductile, bluish-white metal, was discovered in Germany in 1817, and Germany remained the only important producer for 100 years. Currently, a large percentage of global cadmium metal production takes place in
· Therefore, a study was conducted to assess the interaction between FA and Cd in the mining ecotype of S. nigrum. The study involved two phases: germination and growth. In the first phase, seeds were exposed to different concentrations of CdCl 2 (i.e. 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 µM) in the presence (0, 25, 50 and 100 µM) or absence of
· Open-cast mining is a common method used for mining phosphate. In this process, stripped topsoil and waste rock accumulate with low-grade PR to form a large amount of phosphate mining wastelands, which destroy landscape aesthetics, disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, and negatively affect the surrounding environment [2] .
Cadmium Statistics and Information | U.S. Geological Survey
Statistics and information on the worldwide supply of, demand for, and flow of the mineral commodity cadmium. Cadmium, a soft, malleable, ductile, bluish-white metal, was
· Sedimentary phosphate rocks are characteristically rich in organic matter, and contain sulfides and a high concentration of trace elements, including cadmium (Cd), which is harmful to the human body. The mining of phosphate rock and phosphogypsum at Qingping has expanded the release of Cd into groundwater and farmland soil. To prevent
· Bulk mine waste samples contained elevated Zn (9100 +/- 2500 ppm), Pb Characterization of zinc, lead, and cadmium in mine waste: implications for transport, exposure, and bioavailability Environ Sci Technol. 2007 Jun 1;41(11):4164-71. doi: 10.1021
:Mining CadmiumHealth Risks of Cadmium · As a case study, cadmium in the mine soil had “slope” hazard characteristics while the ore sorting area was the major source area of cadmium. The theoretical values of the random forest model are
· Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic non-essential transition metal that poses a health risk for both humans and animals. It is naturally occurring in the environment as a pollutant that is derived from agricultural and industrial sources. Exposure to cadmium primarily occurs through the ingestion of contaminated food and water and, to a significant extent,
· Cadmium (Cd) is a worldwide toxic heavy metal pollutant, which has brought about severe health risks to humans. This chapter would introduce the current status of Cd contamination in agricultural soil worldwide, which was mainly ascribed to the anthropogenic sources of fertilization, mining, agricultural application of sewage sludge,
Cadmium is produced mainly as a by-product of mining, smelting and refining of zinc and, to a lesser degree, as a by-product of lead and copper manufacturing. Most of the cadmium produced is used in the production of nickel-cadmium batteries, which in 2004 represented 81 per cent of the total amount of cadmium.
· It is generally introduced in agricultural soils through the application of phosphate fertilizers [7]. Several methods can be used to reduce the cadmium content in phosphate fertilizers during
Efficient bioimmobilization of cadmium contamination in phosphate mining
DOI: 10.1016/j.bej.2022.108667 Corpus ID: 252823725 Efficient bioimmobilization of cadmium contamination in phosphate mining wastelands by the phosphate solubilizing fungus Penicillium oxalicum ZP6 @article{Zheng2022EfficientBO, title={Efficient
:Cadmium Environmental ExposurePublish Year:2007 · The motivation of this study is to determine the remediation of cadmium pollution in the mining area by the wetland super enrichment plants, so as to determine
· Abstract. The mining ecotype Sedum alfredii Hance could tolerate and grow normally in a nutritive solution containing cadmium (Cd) as high as 400 #mu#mol/L. Under such a high Cd concentration, the subcellular accumulation of Cd in root, stem and leaf of this plant was found to be the highest in the cell wall, less in the soluble fraction and
· To reduce cadmium (Cd) uptake of plants cultivated in heavy metal–contaminated soil, the best liming material was selected in the incubation test. The effect of the selected material was evaluated in the field. In the incubation experimentation, CaCO3, Ca(OH)2, CaSO4·2H2O, and oyster shell meal were mixed with soil at rates
· In order to determine the ecological risk and health risk of Arsenic (As) and Cadmium (Cd) in soils from a typical mining city in Huainan, a total of 99 soil samples were collected and analyzed. The results showed that the concentrations of As and Cd ranged from 3.2 to 39.50 and 0.01 to 0.19 mg/kg, respectively, which exceeded the soil
· Especially in acidic soil, the activated cadmium affected by mining could account for 40–60% 52. Interestingly, the performance of the cadmium transport in soil from certain sources was not
· Cadmium and lead soil contamination is a widespread environmental problem that requires profound and sustainable solutions. These toxic elements can be naturally occurring on the Earth’s crust or from man-made origins. Cadmium and lead could accumulate and translocate in soil over the long term. Thus, their risk of entering the food