· Among the four binders, coal tar pitch could significantly enhance the cold crushing strength of ferro-coke through decreasing the porosity of ferro-coke and improving the bonding effect between carbon matrix particles. In the case of the 10% coal tar pitch addition, the cold crushing strength of ferro-coke was increased from 18.15%
Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol. 0, Issue 0, DOI: 10.2478/cee-2021-0053 EFFECTS OF INDUCTION-FURNACE SLAG ON STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF SELF-COMPACTING CONCRETE Oluwaseun MARK 1,*, Anthony EDE
effects of slag addition on the crushing strength of concrete
Cement and Concrete Research, 41(3), 324–329. CAS Article Google Scholar Lizarazo-Marriaga, J., Claisse, P., Ganjian, E. (2011). Effect of steel slag and Portland cement in the rate of hydration and strength of blast furnace slag pastes. Get Price
(PDF) Effect of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and fly
J Mater Civil Eng 2002;14(3):274–7. [23] Atis CD, Kilic A, Sevim UK. Strength and shrinkage properties of mortar containing a nonstandard high-calcium fly ash. Cem Concr Res 2004;34:99–102. [24] Atis CD. Strength
effects of slag addition on the crushing strength of concrete
The effects of cement/fly ash ratios on the volcanic slag Aug 01, 2008 · In addition, no-fines aggregate and FALC were compared with CLC and the effect of FA on the strength and unit units is the lightweight concrete block
· The effect of slag addition on strength development of Class C fly ash geopolymer concrete at normal temperature September 2017 AIP Conference Proceedings 1887(1):020030 DOI:10.1063/1.5003513
· Cold crushing strengths of best performing ferrochrome slag containing specimens were higher than 90 MPa and compressive strength values measured at 1200 C were over 9 MPa. Thermal insulation properties were even better than those of commercial refractory reference, showing thermal conductivity values as low as λRT−1000 °C
(PDF) Evaluation of Thermal Effects on Slag Cement Concrete's Strength
operation. This work examines the thermal resistance of Slag cement concrete. The. concrete cubes were produced and cure d for 28 days and then subjecte d to varying. temp. eratures range of 100
(PDF) The effect of limestone powder addition on strength of slag
PDF | On Sep 1, 2013, Z. TAN and others published The effect of limestone powder addition on strength of slag blended cement | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The
· Variasi 2 Slag Concrete (SC.25) 75 25 164.44 13.65 Variasi 3 Slag Concrete (SC.50) 50 50 207.77 17.24 Variasi 4 Slag Concrete (SC.75) 25 75 208.88 17.34 Variasi 5 Slag Concrete (SC.100) 0 100 264.44 21.95 Fig. 1. Graph of slag concrete compressive 17,61
· This paper presents the effect of slag addition on strength development and workability of fly ash/slag based geopolymer (FASLG) concrete cured at normal temperature. Class C fly ash with high ferrite (Fe) content was used as the primary material. The proportions of fly ash (FA) to slag (SL) are: 1 FA : 0 SL, 0.9 FA : 0.1 SL, 0.7 FA : 0.3
Effects of Slag Addition on Bond Strength of 3D Printed
Un-densified micro silica fume G940 (SF), purchased from Elkem Ltd. (Singapore), with a specific surface area (SSA) of 15000-30000 m2/kg, was also included in some blends as a filler, together with FA (SSA = 285 m2/kg) and GGBS (SSA = 460 m2/kg). 30 layers with pump flow rate of 0.5 l/min.
· Effect of wet grinded lithium slag on compressive strength and hydration of sulphoaluminate cement system Construction and Building Materials, Volume 267, 2021, Article 120465 Hongbo Tan ,, Huang Zhao
· The cold crushing strength was determined by computer controlled hydraulic universal test (Model YEW-2000). 5 valid specimens were tested for each measurement. The crystalline phases of the cured and fired samples were identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD; X'pert PRO, PANalytical, Netherlands) with Cu Kα1 radiation (λ =
· Request PDF | Effects of Steel Slag Addition on the Plasticity, Strength, and Permeability of Lateritic Soil Effects of Steel Slag Addition on the Plasticity, Strength, and Permeability of
· In addition to cement, sand, gravel, and water, the current investigation of the influence of additives on the compressive strength of concrete at 28 days includes fly ash, silica fume, and slag
· A Mineral Liberation Analyzer (MLA, FEI MLA 250) was used to test the mineral composition and content of the steel slag and the particle size distribution of the hard-to-grind minerals in the slag. A total of 9285 particles were counted in Table 2, from Table 2, we can find that the main mineral phase in the steel slag is Calcite, accounting
· Naik and Singh investigated the effects of temperature and a Class F FA addition on concrete strength and abrasion resistance under simulated hot weather conditions. The results revealed that at 23 °C, the abrasion resistance increased with increasing FA content, whilst at higher temperatures (35–49 °C), the abrasion resistance
· In addition, existing studies generally study terrigenous deposits (such as quartz sand and gravelly soil), but few studies exist on the effect of FC on the shear strength of calcareous sand. Calcareous sand is a special kind of marine biogenic geomaterial, which is significantly different from terrigenous deposits in physical and
Effects of adding slags on strength and leaching properties of soft
Steelmaking slag had a discernible impact on the soil’s strength, but blast furnace slag had no significant effect. When more steelmaking slag was added to the soil, and the
Effects of Steel Slag Addition on the Plasticity, Strength, and
: An investigation into the effect of adding pulverized steel slag (an industrial waste product) on some geotechnical properties of a lateritic soil. The soil is A-7-6(5) according to AASHTO classification systems. 5%, 8% and 10% steel slag content (SSC) each
· In order to investigate the effect of slag particle size on the compressive strength of the produced AAMs, three different median sizes of slag particles were selected, namely 39.9, 23 .4, and 11.
· A transition from interface debonding to tensile failure of the geopolymer concrete can be found in GCC with the addition of slag, indicating that the addition of slag can improve the bonding properties of geopolymer.
: Nisar Ahamed Noor Mohamed, Biranchi Panda, Ming Jen Tan, Daniel Yi Wei Tay, Lewei He · In this paper, indoor tests were conducted on the compressive strength, flexural strength, bonding strength of slag-based geopolymer grouting material used in
· The result shows that the highest compressive strength was achieved by FASLG-3 concrete with 30% slag addition and exhibited a comparable strength to that normal concrete at 28 days. The 30% slag addition also improve the workability and increase the setting time of FASLG concrete specimens.
· An investigation into the effect of adding pulverized steel slag (an industrial waste product) on some geotechnical properties of a lateritic soil. The soil is A-7-6(5) according to AASHTO classification systems. 5%,
· When the microsilica content is 3.2 wt.%, the castable containing porous periclase-spinel aggregates has the best performance, which has a porosity of 24 %, a crushing strength of 90 MPa, a
· The effect of calcium oxide on the crushing strength, reduction, and smelting performance of high-chromium vanadium–titanium magnetite pellets (HCVTMP) was studied in this work. The main
· Grain morphology has significant impacts on the mechanical behaviors of granular materials. However, its influences on grain breakage are still poorly understood due to the complexity of morphological characterization. This work employs the machine learning (ML) approach to reveal the impacts of grain morphology on grain crushing strength.
· Steel slag powder and construction waste have received widespread attention for their resource utilization as solid waste. This article uses steel slag powder and recycled concrete aggregates to prepare controlled low-strength materials (CLSM). The study investigates the influence of steel slag powder replacing cement and recycled