C.H. Weng et al., “Chromium leaching behavior in soil derived from the chromite ore processing waste”, The science of the total environment 154 (1994), 71–86. Article Google Scholar R.Mattuck and N.P. Nikolaidis.“Chromium mobility in freshwater
The physical chemistry of leaching of water soluble Chromate is examined for determining the barrier to the extraction of Cr 6+ ions. In this respect the role of spinel is examined.
A clean hydrometallurgical process without hexavalent chromium is demonstrated in this study. First, the chromite is decomposed in sulfuric acid solution with oxidation, and Cr3+ is extracted into the acid solution. Seed crystal is added to acid solution, and the jarosite is precipitated by the hydrothermal treatment.
by chromite process residue has become a worldwide concern. In the view of relevant studies O2, air, O3 or their mixtures, and then prepared sodium chromate by pressure leaching. In this process,
The results of the leaching kinetics analysis indicated that the leaching of Fe and Cr from the COPR was controlled by a surface chemical reaction, and the leaching of Al was
In this study, a clean hydrometallurgical process without the generation of hexavalent chromium is demonstrated. First, the chromite was decomposed and leached by sulfuric
Amongst different organic acids, oxalic acid has been reported to be more effective in leaching of lateritic COB (Sukla, et. al., 1993). Leaching kinetics study is an inevitable factor to justify the reaction mechanisms
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