· Rubber Plantation in Kerala: Exploring its Origins and Future Prospects. by Matthew Morales. October 23, 2023. Kerala, the picturesque southern state of India, is renowned for its lush greenery, spice plantations, and tranquil backwaters. However, what many may not know is that Kerala also holds a significant place in the history of rubber
Rubber production in Sri Lanka-Wikipedia
In 1879 twenty-eight plants were sent to India and Burma. The first of the rubber trees in Ceylon flowered in 1881, and the first experiments in tapping subsequently commenced shortly afterwards. In 1893 over 90,000 seeds were supplied to planters throughout Ceylon, in 1900 there was approximately 405 hectares (1,001 acres) of rubber being cultivated
Rubber production in Sri Lanka-Wikipedia
Rubber production in Sri Lanka commenced in 1876, with the planting of 1,919 rubber seedlings at the Henarathgoda Botanical Gardens in Gampaha. [1] The total extent under rubber in 1890 was around 50 ha (120 acres) and in the early 1900s it increased to around 10,000 ha (25,000 acres). By 1982 the total extent under rubber was around 180,000 ha
· Rubber Producing Regions in India. – In India, 8.5 lakh hectares under rubber cultivation, and almost 5 lakh hectares was in Kerala and Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu and 1 lakh hectares was in Tripura. 1. The northeastern states, particularly Tripura and Assam, account for over 16% of the total production. 2.
: Sukanta SarkarRecognizing the rapid expansion of rubber plantation a threat to
data on the extent of rubber plantation in northeast India, the rubber plantation growth in Tripura is found to in crease from 574 ha during 1976-77 to an area covering 70,295 ha
· Increase in Plantation Areas: In traditional areas, including Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, rubber plantation will be undertaken on 12,000 hectares. In non-traditional areas like Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and north-east states, 3,752 hectares will be brought under rubber cultivation during 2024-26.
· High costs, falling prices have made the business unviable in recent years. In the 1970s, when Kottayam was still a sleepy town, it boasted the Planters Club. Hundreds of acres of paddy fields and
· Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis (Wild. Ex Adr. De Juss.) Muell. Arg.) is emerging as a fast-expanding plantation crop in India and Southeast Asia. Traditionally, aboveground biomass (AGB) is estimated from forest type or crown density stratification by the Forest Survey of India (FSI) and does not explicitly account for standing age. The
· This study investigates the major environmental and socio-economic impacts of an increase in the area of rubber plantations and the changing patterns of drivers of land use changes. Using a combination of geospatial techniques and socio-economic methods, we mainly analyzed the rate of increase in area under rubber
· Rubber cultivation in India Subject: Geography Section: Economic Geography Context: A plan by the Rubber Board to develop rubber plantations in an area of two lakh hectares across the seven northeastern States in a span of five years starting from 2021-22 has unleashed pent-up demand among the rubber nurseries in the State
· For instance, the loss of SOC up to a depth of 1 m was 46.3% in the six-year-old rubber plantations and 34.1% in the 34-year-old plantation in northeastern India (Nath et al., 2018). In Ivory Coast, a higher depletion of SOC content was found in young rubber plantations (73%, seven years old) than in old ones (59%, 25 years old) ( N'Dri
· Babu Joseph has seen many rubber producers abandon their plantations. India's rubber production peaked in 2013 at 913,700 tonnes, according to figures from the country's Rubber Board. Production
From forest to plantation: a brief history of the rubber tree
In 1860‒1913, the Amazon forest was the only source of rubber for the world and the economies of the cities Belém and Manaus in Brazil and Iquitos in Peru boomed (Resor, 1977). In 1909, rubber, equivalent to today’s value of > US $2 billion, was exported from the Amazons (Bar-ham & Coomes, 1996). Since attempts to raise rubber tree
Natural Rubber Production and Consumption in Kanyakumari
India is one of largest producers of the plantation crops in the world because India is blessed with a rich and diverse agro climatic profile. Among the plantation crops in India, tea, coffee, and rubber have greater importance. Rubber plantation is a creation of
Rubber-Producing States in India-An Overview-BYJU'S
In 2017-18, Assam produced 23,300 tonnes. Assam’s rubber production increased to 30,350 tonnes in 2019-20. In 2019-20, Assam produced 4.26% of India’s total rubber. In Nagaland, rubber production increased from 4,820 tonnes in 2018-19 to 6,070 tonnes in 2019-20. In Meghalaya, rubber production increased from 9,050 tonnes in 2017-18 to
· Kerala is the leading State in India for rubber plantations and grows to 92% of the Country’s total rubber production. Rubber is an important agricultural plantation, rapidly expanding in to
· T Rubber plants were a native to South and Southeast Asia but were not naturally present in India. In India, the state Kerala accounts 92% of total rubber production and. 84% of area under rubber
Growth and Challenges of Rubber Plantation in the Northeastern States of India
ISSN (Print Version) 0975-3931 ISSN (On Line Version) 2278-1277 16 Journal of Global Economy, Volume 20 No 1, March 2024 suitable for rubber plantation in the state is 462180.80 hectares. The
· However, the growth of rubber plantations has resulted in a continuous decline of the native forests. For instance, the current rubber plantation area in southwestern China (Xishuangbanna) is 22.1%, while its primary forests merely cover 3.6% of the total area (Li et al., 2008; Zomer et al., 2014).).
Capturing the Essence of Rubber Production-The Kerala Museum
The Essence of Rubber Production. Studies trace the introduction of the non-native rubber plant in Kerala and India, back to the early twentieth century when the British supplanted the indigenous Indian Rubber tree (Ficus Elastica) with the superior Hevea Brasiliensis. Often dubbed the Para rubber tree, owing to its connection with the
Status of Trachypithecus geei in a Rubber Plantation in Western Assam, India
Golden langurs (Trachypithecus geei) are an endangered species in a limited area of Northeast India and Bhutan. They are confined to a forest belt in western Assam between the Manas River in the east, Sankosh in the west and Brahmaputra in the south along the Indo-Bhutan border. Due to habitat destruction, their populations are restricted to
· The National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use. Planning had identified that 650,000 ha of rubber plantations can be rais ed in the states. of north-east reg ion of India of which 100,000 ha in
· The saplings are then planted in these beds. The saplings are generally planted during June-July months of the year, the monsoon time in Kerala. Agri inputs are supplied from the third month depending
· Natural rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) is an evergreen tree species from the Amazon basin.Rubber plantation originally distributed between 10 N and 10 S in the equatorial regions (Priyadarshan et al. 2005) and later extended to south Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and India.
· This article describes how the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) (Willd. ex A. Juss.) (Müll. Arg., family–Euphorbiaceae) which grows wildly in the Amazon forests, came under global focus due to industrial revolution. From 1860 to 1913, since the tree was found only in the Amazon forest, the entire world depended on a few business magnates of that
ANNUAL REPORT 2021 – 22-Rubber Board
India is the sixth largest producer of natural rubber (NR) in the world; accounting for 5.5 % of the total supply of 13.800 million tonnes during the year 2021 and occupies the second
· PDF DOI No.: http://doi.org/10.53550/EEC.2023.v29i06s.042 Rubber
Tripura, in India’s North-Eastern region, has experienced a remarkable increase in the area under rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantation, making it the country’s second-largest
· The first rubber plantations in India were set up in 1895 on the hill slopes of Kerala. However, rubber cultivation on a commercial scale was introduced in 1902. Kerala is the largest producer of
· under rubber p lantation in the state. From 197 6-77 to 20 15-16, the average share of area und er rubber. plantation developed b y the TFDPCL to the total area under rubber plantatio n in the
· The plant was developed at the Kerala-based Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII). Planting the GM rubber at the research farm at Sarutari off the highway to Meghalaya capital Shillong on June