ECT is a measure of the edgewise compressive strength of corrugated board. It is measured by compressing a predefined section of board on its edge between two rigid platens. This compression is performed perpendicularly to the direction of the flutes until the board collapses and a peak load is reached. This load is reported as force per unit
This was despite the fact that these ‘recycled board’ cases still had very good compression and damage resistance qualities, as evidenced in the Edge Crush Test (ECT). The Mullen Burst Test measures the force required to puncture the face of corrugated board and is reported in pounds per square inch (psi) .. boards are thus rated accordingly e.g. #275.
Learning the difference between the Edge Crush Test versus the Mullen Burst Box Strength Test can help you make the right decision. Learn more here! Contact Us 1-866-493-7725 Login/Register 0 Item(s) search menu Contact Custom Boxes Now Build Your
การพ ฒนาว ธ การทดสอบจาก Mullen Burst Test ไปจนถ ง Edge Crush Test (ECT) เป นเวลาหลายป ท Mullen Burst Test เป นมาตรฐานอ ตสาหกรรมหล กในการค ดเกรดบรรจ ภ ณฑ กระดาษล
By using simple test methods such as the Edge Crush Test (ECT), companies benefit from understanding the maximum weight a box can withstand and the overall stacking strength. ECT gives a good picture of overall strength, enabling cardboard and box manufacturers to better maintain and improve quality control testing, during formulation, processing and
This is different to Mullen Burst Testing, which notes results in pounds. This means that a box with burst rating of #200 is one that can withstand up to 200lbs of force before rupturing. The same box would have a 32 ECT rating. Edge crush testing conversion chart
ECT ist ein Maß für die hochkantige Druckfestigkeit von Wellpappe. Es wird gemessen, indem ein vordefinierter Brettabschnitt an seiner Kante zwischen zwei starren Platten zusammengedrückt wird. Diese Kompression wird senkrecht zur Richtung der Nuten durchgeführt, bis die Platte zusammenfällt und eine Spitzenlast erreicht ist.
The Mullen Test, which is still used, is a good way to determine how well corrugated packaging can withstand rough handling and the results are noted in pounds. For instance, a carton that can take 125 pounds of
When determining the strength of a box, the corrugated box industry uses two test, the Bursting (Mullen) Strength Test and the Edge Crush Test (ECT). The Bursting Test is
The edge crush test is a laboratory test method that is used to measure the cross-direction crushing of a sample of corrugated board. It gives information on the ability of a particular
Determining Corrugated Box Weight Limits. For comparison purposes, we include both the Mullen burst test and edge crush test (ECT) figures. The burst test represents how much pressure can be applied before the wall of a box will rupture. The edge crush test is an indicator of the top-to-bottom pressure needed before a box will be crushed.
Bursting Test Min. Edge Crush Test Max. Suggested L oading Limit Per Box 200# 42 ECT 80 pounds 275# 48 ECT 100 pounds 350# 51 ECT 120 pounds 400# 61 ECT 140 pounds 500# 71 ECT 160 pounds Corrugated Board Strength Equivalencies: Triple
Questo nonostante il fatto che queste custodie di "cartone riciclato" avessero ancora ottime qualità di compressione e resistenza ai danni, come evidenziato nell'Edge Crush Test (ECT). Il Mullen Burst Test misura la forza richiesta per perforare la faccia del cartone ondulato ed è riportato in libbre per pollice quadrato (psi), i pannelli sono quindi
Mullen Burst Test. The Mullen Test, also referred to as the Mullen Burst Test or Burst Strength Test, is a standard test used to evaluate corrugated board’s resistance to puncturing or bursting. It measures the amount of force, in pounds per square inch (PSI), required to rupture the face of the board using pressure and a Mullen tester.
ECT (Edge Crush Test) and Burst (sometimes called "Mullen") ratings for corrugated board are based on two completely different tests, and measure different properties of the material. Burst tests use hydraulic pressure behind a flexible diaphragm. Increasing the
ISO 7263 (Corrugating medium – Determination of the flat crush resistance after laboratory) ISO 12192:2011 (Paper and board — Determination of compressive strength — Ring crush method) DIN 53134 (Testing of
ECT is typically expressed in Units of Force per Unit of Length, Pounds per linear inch. Example: 32ECT = 32 lb/inch in the U.S. = 5600 Newtons/linear meter. mum ECT value of the finished box. ECT testing may also be done on sheets and intermediate production for process control purposes.
Through certain testing methods such as the Edge Crush Test (ECT) and the Burst Strength Test, also known as the Mullen Burst Test, it is possible for companies to
Presto’s Edge crush tester is designed according to the testing standards issued by relevant authorities. If you are looking for testing instruments for corrugated boxes, contact our experts today. To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup
An edge crush test is a method of determining the cross-direction force needed to crush of a sample of corrugated board to the point of failure. This is especially useful for today’s lighter weight corrugated cardboards, which include recycled composites that weigh less but can withstand more pressure than their traditional counterparts.
The fundamental difference between these two tests is that the Burst Strength Test requires a minimum basis weight of the paperboard. That is, the Burst Test requires that the base papers used to make corrugated fiberboard weigh at least a certain minimum number of pounds per given unit area. However, the Edge Crush Test eliminated this
Bursting strength is reported in pounds (for example, 275#). A newer standard that has achieved widespread acceptance is the Edge Crush Test (ECT). This is a true performance test and is directly related to the stacking strength of a carton. ECT is a measure of the edgewise compressive strength of corrugated board.
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