Admiral Beverly Crusher is a Human Starfleet officer. 2364: Crusher becomes Chief Medical Officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-D. 2365: Crusher accepts a position at Starfleet Medical. 2366: Crusher resumes her position aboard the Enterprise. 2372 Crusher transfers to the newly-commissioned U.S.S. Enterprise-E, continuing to serve as Chief
Star Trek: The Next Generation. ) " Sub Rosa " is the 165th episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was the 14th episode of the seventh season . Dr. Crusher attends her grandmother's funeral, and spends time in her grandmother's haunted house, romanced by her grandmother's non-corporeal lover.
Beverly Crusher is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise played by Gates McFadden. Debuting in the television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, McFadden
Doctor Beverly Crusher is a fictional character from the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation The character is played by actress Gates
Gates McFadden is best known for her role as Dr. Beverly Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation – six seasons and four films. She is also a stage actress, choreographer, director, teacher, and the host of the Nacelle Podcast Gates McFadden InvestiGates
Beverly Crusher. Click here for related articles on Fanlore. Beverly Crusher is a major character in Star Trek: The Next Generation, played by Gates McFadden. A supercharged doctor, she serves as chief medical officer aboard the USS Enterprise in all but season 2 of the show, when she's off on Earth heading up Starfleet Medical. She was married
Beverly Crusher är en fiktiv karaktär i tv-serien Star Trek: The Next Generation. Hon porträtteras av skådespelaren Gates McFadden och gör sitt första framträdande i seriens första avsnitt, Encounter at Farpoint . Dr. Beverly Crusher (Dr. Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher) är en av huvudpersonerna i The Next Generation och är så genom
ビバリー・クラッシャー(Beverly Crusher)はアメリカのSFテレビドラマ『スタートレック』にするの。 におけるの。2324まれ。ゲイツ・マクファーデンがじた。のはみゆ。 2シーズンはマクファーデンがなかったため
List of episodes. " Remember Me " is the 79th episode of the syndicated American science-fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, the fifth episode of the fourth season . Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship Enterprise-D. This episode focuses on the ship's
Beverly Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation | CharacTour (English) retrieved 25 August 2023 Comic Vine ID 4005-11244 0 references Fandom article ID de.memory-alpha:Beverly_Crusher subject named as Beverly Crusher language of work or name
Dr Beverly Crusher was the chief medical officer on the USS Enterprise-D. She was on the holodeck with Data and William Riker when the Doctor's TARDIS landed in a "Dixon Hill" holonovel in 1940s San Francisco in 2368. When Cybermen corpses were brought back from Cogen V, Beverly was horrified to discover that the Cybermen still had human
Beverly Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation | CharacTour (English) retrieved 25 August 2023 Comic Vine ID 4005-11244 0 references Fandom article ID de.memory
Beverly Crusher has been holographically duplicated on a number of occasions. In 2366, on stardate 43807.4, Lieutenant jg Reginald Barclay created at least two holographic Dr. Crushers shortly after he joined the Enterprise -D crew. Beverly took on the role of a friendly noble woman in one of Barclay's holo-fantasies.
Comandorul Beverly Crusher, D.M. (născută Beverly Cheryl Howard) este un personaj fictiv din serialul de televiziune Star Trek: Generația următoare și din patru filme Star Trek. Apare în cele mai multe episoade ale serialului. Rolul a fost interpretat de actrița.
Picard überbringt Crusher und ihrem Sohn die Nachricht vom Tod von Jack Crusher. Beverly Crusher begleitet darauf Picard auf die Sternenbasis 32, wo ihr toter Mann aufgebahrt wird. Crusher will ihren toten Mann noch einmal sehen, doch Picard rät ihr davon ab, damit sie ihren Mann nicht so sieht.
Tolong bantu Wikipedia untuk kategori. Beverly Crusher Komandan Beverly Cheryl Crusher , MD, (née Howard) adalah salah seorang tokoh serial Star Trek: The Next Generation dan merupakan kepala opsir bidang medis di kapal USS Enterprise-D dan USS Enterprise-E , keduanya di bawah komando dari Kapten Jean-Luc Picard .
Beverly C. Crusher, MD (née Howard) was a female Human who notably served as the chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise -D and the USS Enterprise -E, both under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, in
Gates McFadden, auch Cheryl McFadden, (* 02. März 1949 in Akron, Ohio, USA als Cheryl Gates McFadden 75 Jahre alt) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin. Sie verkörperte die Beverly Crusher in Star Trek und trat in den Serien Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert und Star Trek: Picard sowie in den Filmen Star Trek: Treffen der
Wesley Crusher is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise. He appears regularly in the first four seasons of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation ( TNG ), and sporadically in its next three seasons. He also appeared in the feature film Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) and in one episode of the television series Star Trek
Doktorka Beverly Cheryl Crusherová, rozená Howardová, byla s hodností komandéra hlavním zdravotnickým důstojníkem na lodích USS Enterprise-D a USS Enterprise-E pod velením kapitána Jeana-Luca Picarda. Tuto pozici na krátko opustila v roce 2365, aby dočasně působila jako velitelka Lékařské divize Hvězdné flotily .
Doctor Crusher, who often serves a night watch on the bridge, aided in the capture of the renegade Borg under Lore in 2370 with the strategic loss of their craft while in command
In 2011, The A.V. Club gave this episode a "B−", and noting it as a Beverly Crusher focused episode. [1] The book Star Trek FAQ 2.0 (Unofficial and Unauthorized): Everything Left to Know About the Next Generation, the Movies and Beyond (2013) said this was a "credible whodunnit", and a showcase for Gates McFadden as Doctor Crusher.
Fils du lieutenant Jack Crusher et du médecin en chef Beverly Crusher, Wesley Crusher (souvent surnommé Wes) est né le 29 juillet 2349 sur Terre. Il n’a que cinq ans (2354) lorsque son père Jack meurt en mission sous les ordres de son proche ami, le capitaine Jean-Luc Picard, du Stargazer. En 2364, c’est précisément sur un vaisseau
Beverly Crusher (geb. Beverly Howard [4]) ist ein Mensch, der im 24. Jahrhundert als Offizierin in der Sternenflotte dient. Sie schlägt eine medizinische Richtung innerhalb der Sternenflotte ein ist von 2379 auf der USS Enterprise -D und USS Enterprise -E, als Chefärztin tätig. Nach diversen Wechseln übernimmt sie im 25.
Beverly Crusher fue la jefa medica del la nave insignia de la Federación USS Enterprise -D, bajo la capitanía de Jean-Luc Picard. Nació en el año 2324 con el apellido de soltera de Howard. Originaria de la colonia de Arvada III y vivió prácticamente toda su niñez con su abuela, Felisa, quien tenia la costumbre de usar Hierbas medicinales para curar a la
This episode focuses on the ship's chief medical officer, Dr. Beverly Crusher ( Gates McFadden ), who notices that her friends—and every trace of them—are vanishing
Doctor Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher MD, was a Starfleet officer who served as chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E for many years from 2364 to the 2380s, under Captain
Beverly Crusher er en fiktiv person fra Star Trek universet. Hun er spilt av Gates McFadden. Beverly er lege ombord USS «Enterprise»-D og enke etter Jack Crusher som døde på et oppdrag ledet av Jean-Luc Picard. Beverly og
Dr. Beverly Crusher parancsnok (sz. Beverly Cheryl Howard) a Star Trek: Az új nemzedék című amerikai sci-fi televíziós sorozat és az ez alapján készült négy mozifilm egyik főszereplője. Alakítója Gates McFadden . Crusher doktornő az orvosi részleg vezetője a USS Enterprise -D, majd a USS Enterprise -E csillaghajón.
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.