Assessing the Impact of Quarrying as an Environmental Ethic
To obtain a deeper understanding of the adverse impact on the environment and the quality of life of the people living in the community around the quarry, we explored the workers
Assessment of Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Stone quarrying
Assessment of Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Stone quarrying i Impacts of Stone Quarrying on Environment and Livelihood of Local Community in Addis Ababa Peri-Urban A
Characterizing the Effects of Quarrying Industry in Northern
Keywords--- Quarrying, Social Impact, Environmental Impact, Health-related Impact, Northern Philippines. I. Introduction Sustainable community reflects the interdependence of socio-economic and
Torr Quarry Case Study-Internet Geography
Quarrying can have a significant impact on the environment, for example: Quarrying can destroy natural habitats, disrupting the ecosystems that support various plant and animal species. The quarrying process often involves significant noise pollution and dust, which can affect the health of nearby residents and the overall quality of the air.
PDF | On Jan 1, 2011, KO Omosanya and others published ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF QUARRYING ON OTERE VILLAGE, ODEDA, SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
· Resource availability and extraction seem to present a paradox to most countries in the global south. It appears to be a curse rather than a blessing. Using the resource curse theory as a philosophical lens, this study qualitatively analysed the effects of the stone quarrying industry in the Wenchi municipality of Ghana. Using the case study
· Several serious environmental impacts related to quarrying activities on and near the river, such as vibrations, land degradation, land subsidence and landslides, water pollution,
A case study of the life cycle impact of limestone quarrying on
Sabrina Bendouma*, Tayeb Serradj and Hüseyin Vapur. Department of Mining Engineering, Institute of Natural and Applied Science, Cukurova University, Adana, Adana 01000, Turkey Email: aggelos124
Thereafter the top soil is removed either by hand tools (in case of small quarries) or by heavier earth moving equipments. The soil debris is thrown down the hill slope. Benches or terrace-like features are cut in the hillside and the building stone is excavated.
Environmental and Health impact of Quarry mining among
People’s opinion about quarrying impact on flora and fauna Number of respondents Percent (%) Dust reduces the crop yield 40 100 Plants and animals destroyed 36 90 Source: Survey data Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(5): 10-16 13 Table 3 reveals that
· Impacts of quarrying activities on the environment and livelihood of people in Border II sub‐location, Nyando sub‐county, Kisumu County, Kenya Erick Oluoch Opondo D. D. Ajayi S. Makindi Environmental Science, Geography
· Impact of Stone Quarrying on Sustainable Livelihoods and Environment in Selected Communities in Ghana: implications for the Sustainable Development Goals Justice Mensah a Academic Planning and Quality Assurance, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana Correspondence [email protected]
· Tailings often contain toxic materials and, when water runs off heaps of tailings into nearby fields and rivers, can. poison the soil and create water that is unfit for irrigation or human
· The final result has been elaborately discussed with the bi-faceted impact of the quarrying on the physical and sociological aspects. Discover the world's research 25+ million members
· The samples were collected at the quarrying point, 150 m, 300 m and 450 m away from the source. The collections of these samples were executed in the month of March and September 2018. The soil samples were collected with the aid of an auger into labelled polythene bags and sterile plastic containers.
· Our concern is motivated by the adverse environmental impacts and the effects that those impacts have had on the quality of life, of people, landscape restoration, and habitat reclamation. 2. Location and the Geology
Advanced Quarrying Techniques and Processes-Boom & Bucket
September 13, 2023. The quarrying industry is undergoing a profound transformation through advanced techniques and processes. These innovations are revolutionizing the sector by boosting efficiency and reducing its environmental impact. Modern quarrying methods, including laser scanning and 3D modeling, have enabled precise planning and
What is the impact of quarrying?-Internet Geography
Effects of earthquakes and volcanoes on people and the environment Reducing the impacts of earthquakes and volcanoes Population and settlement – iGCSE Geography Introduction to population World Population Increase
· Unregulated quarrying of granite and the government patronage it gets are turning a matter of grave concern in Kerala. Photo by Shafeeq Thamarassery. As per another study by KFRI, Kerala has a total of 5,924 functioning stone quarries while the number of those which hitherto obtained mandatory permission from the Department of
Mining and Quarrying Impacts |
Mining and quarrying can be very destructive to the environment. They have a direct impact on the countryside by leaving pits and heaps of waste material. The extraction processes can also contaminate air and water with sulfur dioxide and other pollutants, putting wildlife and local populations at risk. More careful use of natural resources
· the effect of quarrying activities on the health of the people of the study area and to appraise the measures which have been Cohen, H. (2015). The impact of quarrying; New Delhi : Prentice
Impacts of Stone Quarrying on Environment and Livelihood of Local
Corpus ID: 131877113 Impacts of Stone Quarrying on Environment and Livelihood of Local Community in Addis Ababa Peri-Urban Areas @inproceedings{Zelalem2016ImpactsOS, title={Impacts of Stone Quarrying on Environment and Livelihood of Local Community
· Stone quarrying is a form of land use method concerned with the extraction of non-fuel and non-metal minerals from rocks [1]. It is usually done by open-cast method using rock drills, explosion of dynamite and use of other methods [2]. Quarrying has environmental and health effects.
· The results show that soapstone quarrying activities lead to vegetation cover destruction which exposes the soil to agents of erosion (Figs. 2 and 3). These findings are similar to those of [2,3
Lung Function and Respiratory Health of Populations Living Close
People who live in close proximity to the quarry sites reported exposure to dust at home (98%), land destruction (85%), plant leaves covered with dust (97%), and an inability to grow crops (92%).
Quarrying and the environment | Quarrying | Foundations of
Quarrying is very much part of the local heritage but most people in the area are only too well aware of the potentially negative impact of quarrying. However the industry has undergone tremendous changes especially over the last three decades and has sought to mitigate the worst impacts on the local community, but still fulfill the UK's demand for
· Irrespective of improving people's livelihoods, mineral extraction, and rock quarrying activities often impart long-term environment and social-economic footprints in areas in which it is carried
The most common effects of informal quarrying on the people of Lusaka were respiratory disorders and galvanic skins. The people had developed different skin colour and texture on their faces, arms and hands. The hands more especially the fingers were hardened.
· Disadvantages of quarrying include: Environmental impact: Destruction of natural habitats and landscapes. Noise and dust pollution: Affecting local communities and ecosystems. Increased traffic: Leading to congestion and road degradation. Visual impact: Quarry sites can be unsightly and affect local tourism.
· 59. Impact of stone qu arrying on the health of Residents in Nigeria. Igbinovia Osayi Marti ns, Osu Charles I and Iw uoha G.N. * Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, University of Po rt