· Mining contributes 11% of gross capital creation but also 16% of total direct foreign investment in South Africa. Despite accounting for just 0.3 percent of taxpayers, the sector was liable for 6 percent of the tax imposed in 2014. Although quarrying employs about 500,000 people, it accounts for barely 5% of the country’s employment.
· H 2: COVID-19′s socio-economic impacts on mining communities in Limpopo Province of South Africa, notably workers, include increased unemployment, limited services access, and exacerbated social inequalities, widening sector disparities. The study goes
· 1 Introduction. Internationally, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a multifaceted and complicated issue, but even more so in a mineral rich, developing country such as South Africa. There are various interpretations, approaches and perceptions of CSR, not only in different economic sectors, but also in different countries.
· But South Africa’s share of the global mining exploration expenditure dropped a staggering 20.5 per cent in 2020 to rank only sixth in Africa and represent less than one per cent of the global exploration spend
· Industrial mining projects can play an important role in global sustainable development if associated health risks are minimised and opportunities maximised. While a broad body of evidence from quantitative studies exists that establishes the interlinkages between mining operations and effects on public health, little research has been
The impact of coal mining on the environment and community quality of life: a case study investigation of the impacts
Coal is South Africa's major primary energy source, and plays a significant role in supplying the chemicals and steelmaking industries. The benefits of coal production are relevant in the light of South Africa's development priorities of job creation and economic
· ABSTRACT. This book investigates mine closure and local responses in South Africa, linking dependencies and social disruption. Mine closure presents a major challenge to the mining industry and government policymakers globally, but particularly in the Global South. South Africa is experiencing notable numbers of mine closures, and
Mining-Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
Mining. Historically, South Africa has been a leading global supplier of minerals and mineral products, and it retains an important role in mining and minerals demonstrated by 55 minerals being produced from some 1113 mines in 2005. Mined product is sourced from open-cast, underground, alluvial, offshore, dune as well as artisanal mining.
· Various accounts from mining-affected community members, as captured in Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s 2022 report The Impact and Assessment of Improper Mine
· The first diamonds were uncovered at the site of the Big Hole in 1871. Until the mine’s closure in 1914, up to 50,000 miners excavated the deepest hole ever dug by hand, extending 215 metres underground. While the mine would yield 2,720kg of diamonds and help establish the De Beers mining company, which remains a major industry player
The environmental and socio-economic impact of mining on
The environmental and socio-economic impact of mining on communities The detrimental environmental impacts of mining on communities are both direct and indirect. Mining can lead to the loss of natural resources on which communities rely for their livelihoods and well-being, including water resources, agricultural land and important biodiversity.
Mine closure, social disruption, and crime in South Africa
Our research shows that mine decline and closure can contribute to social disruption. We argue that South African gov-ernment policy has exacerbated this problem in the
· Mining—the heartbeat of South Africa’s economy—has been quietly shaping lives for over a century. Beyond the glimmering gold and precious metals lies a narrative of strength, progress, and social impact.
Illegal mining-Minerals Council South Africa
In South Africa, it is illegal to be in possession of unwrought precious metal ore, platinum group metals (PGMs), gold-bearing material and rough diamonds without the required statutory authorisation. Illegal mining
· South Africa (“TRC”), Truth and Reconciliat ion Commission of South Africa Rep ort (Volume 6, Section 2, Chapter 5 and 6) ( 2003) 151. R Hamann & A. Bezuidenhout ,‘ The Mining Industry’ in
· In South Africa's mining industry, the contributions and harmful impacts of coal mi ning emerged victoriously. Since 1923, coal has contributed to South Africa's economy and society.
· How the green energy transition fuels human rights abuses in South Africa. As the growing popularity of electric vehicles sparks an increased demand for battery-related minerals, new research by ActionAid and SOMO exposes the harmful impact of manganese mining on communities in South Africa. Manganese matters.
· The green energy transition is aimed at mitigating the impact of climate change. Yet, the current emphasis on ‘green’ is narrowly centred around decarbonisation, or CO 2 reduction, often side-lining the roles of other gases, such as sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6) and PCF-14 (CF 4), which have a respective 24,300- and 7380-times higher global
(PDF) The Social and Environmental Consequences of Coal Mining in South Africa
Democracy, regulation, rule of law An aspect of the coal mining social impact that is hard to quantify, is the impact on South Africa’s young democracy, its capacity and willingness to regulate environmental and social impacts, and respect for the law.
Mine closure, social disruption, and crime in South Africa
Many of South Africa's gold mining areas have experienced decline and closure since the boom period of 1950– 1990, mainly because of resource depletion, increased mining costs and the health and safety risks of deep mining (Crankshaw, 2002). Jobs in gold mining dropped from about 560,000– 100,000 between 1987 and 2020.
Social justice for miners and mining-affected communities : the present and the future-Sabinet Africa…
Mining of natural resources in whatever way is damaging to the environment and has severe impacts on local mining communities. A mining community is a community or town that houses miners and their families. Miners and mining communities in South Africa are predominantly from the previously disadvantaged groups. In terms of section 1 of the.
· Perceptions of communities about mining and its impacts influence their relationship with mining companies in their vicinity. This study investigated the perceptions of communities on
The environmental and socio-economic impact of mining on
The detrimental environmental impacts of mining on communities are both direct and indirect. Mining can lead to the loss of natural resources on which communities rely for
· Mining has had a severe impact on the environment in South Africa including acid mine drainage into rivers (Ochieng et al., 2010), production of solid waste, biodiversity impact, community
The impact of diamond mining on local communities in Africa.
KP Civil Society member organisations between May and August 2020 carried out research projects in their home countries on one of three areas of focus, namely benefits of diamond mining to local communities (CECIDE/AMINES, GAERN, NMJD, CNRG, Green Advocates, CENADEP), violence caused by diamond mining (ZELA, RELUFA) and land rights
· mining on rehabilitation efforts of abandoned mine shafts in Sutherland goldfield, South Africa. Jàmbá 11(2):1–7 Mulwa R, Mariara J (2016) Natural resource curse in Africa: Dutch disease and
· All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World. Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA, fax 202-522
· This book investigates the relationship between mining, mine closure and housing policy in post-apartheid South Africa, using concepts from new institutional economics and evolutionary governance theory. Mine closures present a major challenge to the mining industry and governments, with this being particularly noticeable in the Global
· This study investigates the effects of coal mining on environmental sustainability in South Africa in relation to the moderating role of institutions. To achieve the study’s objectives, the fully modified least square (FMOLS), dynamic least squares (DOLS), canonical cointegrating regression (CCR), Bayer-Hanck cointegration and Toda
· Abstract. Global demand for metals is expected to continue to grow significantly to 2050, partly driven by the need for climate change mitigation measures that require energy transition metals including platinum group metals (PGMs). The environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks of mining these metals are seldom